With Leading Conscious Awareness Instructor & Bestselling Author
Suzanne Scurlock, CMT, CST-D

A 10-Session On-Demand Video Training
Includes 7-Module Introductory Program!

Apply proven practices (and caring mentorship) to harness the wisdom of your heart, gut, pelvis, bones, and more…


Your own body is your most powerful guide...

… and a reliable resource for healing, navigating stress, and keeping you safe.

Your body wisdom can show you how to take right action when you’re confused and help you get clear and centered (and stay there!) even in the face of challenging people and situations.

Yet, anchoring in your body wisdom as a moment-to-moment practice, especially during the holiday season or a season of change, can be difficult…

At these times, there’s a greater potential for discord at the dinner table and beyond. Differing worldviews among your loved ones and friends can stress your body, mind, emotions, and relationships.

Meanwhile, collective trauma is mounting… from racially motivated violence to sexual assault to mass shootings to the devastating effects of climate change.

Leading conscious awareness expert Suzanne Scurlock’s Core Embodiment Process makes you strong so that as issues arise, you can be a steady and dependable source for healing yourself and others.

In this way, your life becomes a “laboratory” for not only accessing your body wisdom, but applying it to your moment-by-moment experiences.

In this transformative advanced training, you’ll discover how to embody the wisdom centered in your heart, gut, bones, pelvis, legs and feet, and integrated brain through caring and thoughtful teaching from Suzanne.

You’ll be guided in accessing and applying the wisdom of your six centers, bringing you profound gifts that extend beyond healing.

Each of the six wisdom centers guide you in very specific ways...

  • Your heart reminds you of what truly matters when you’re pulled in many directions at once
  • Your gut shows you what is right for you to take action on, and what is not yours to do when differences erupt
  • Your pelvis can give you a clear sense of how much energy you have for any given endeavor whether a current project or something new
  • Your legs and feet help you activate what you’re truly inspired to create and make clear decisions when confusion arises
  • Your bones settle and clarify in times of emotional turbulence
  • Your integrated brain gives you innovative strategies to navigate life...and thrive

A Deeper Reclamation of Your Body Wisdom Through Advanced Practices


Your body wisdom can guide you to heal your deepest pains (emotional and physical), dissolve stress, and release stuck energy from your nervous system. You can also “teach” your brain and nervous system to rewire your body’s response to old and new trauma, and heal stress-related health conditions.

Through the Core Embodiment Process, you can learn to listen to your body wisdom to identify and release whatever may be blocking you.

You’ll also access more joy, more creativity, and a deeper sense of what is yours to do in the world...

Your moment-to-moment conscious awareness of your body and this 10-part training will be your laboratory in which you can practice embodying your wisdom and living from it.

You'll practice navigating difficult conversations, setting healthy boundaries in challenging situations, letting go of old triggers, and listening for the whisper of your soul’s desires. Guided by your internal navigational system, you’ll feel more grounded and clear responding to life as it unfolds rather than reacting out of old conditioning.

You’ll fine-tune your ability to listen to the sensations and innate language of your body, using advanced practices to accelerate physical and emotional healing, transform stress and overwhelm in the moment (and before it arises!), and experience a sense of deep calm.

You’ll master a technique for imagining and resolving potential conflicts and interactions with challenging people. Centering in your body, you’ll be able to sidestep fear, old triggers, and habitual responses. You’ll find yourself engaging in new ways present, grounded, and clear.

When you can explore the “dark” and “light” sides of trusting in the nurturing energy available to you, you’re able to better sense this energy and to integrate desirable levels into your entire system to help build and maintain feelings of trust, ease, and vitality.

Suzanne also shares experiential practices that help alert you when your body is letting in and feeling too much. You'll be guided in setting strong yet healthy and flexible boundaries in such circumstances...

And you’ll learn many ways to quiet your mind and tune into your body, including breathing exercises, explorative movements, and approaches for merely “being” with your feelings plus effective ways to mine your nighttime dreams for insights and guidance.

This deeper sense of connection will spill into your connection with all of life, heightening your sense of belonging and deepening your trust in yourself and others.

You’ll also open yourself to the possibility for accelerated physical and emotional healing as you listen more closely to your body and respond to its needs more quickly.


During this 10-part on-demand video sessions from Suzanne Scurlock and advanced practitioners, you’ll:

  • Understand how to listen to the sensations and innate language of your body
  • Accelerate physical and emotional healing and transform stress and overwhelm in the moment
  • Recognize your body wisdom as the key to unlocking and living from your soul’s purpose
  • Rest back into the deep well of the heart for self-love and nurturing
  • Work with your gut wisdom to promote healthy brain function, a resilient immune system, and a relaxed nervous system
  • Integrate your gut wisdom with the rest of the wisdom areas of your body
  • Uncover hidden body myths keeping you from fully embodying the wisdom of your pelvis
  • Apply practices to repair and rewire your nervous system for healing and growth
  • Implement advanced protocols for encouraging growth and healing after trauma
  • Connect your brain to the wisdom areas elsewhere in the body for maximal balance, joy, and creativity
  • Receive experiential practices for deepening your ability to discern the wisdom in your bones
  • Apply advanced techniques that combine breath and the Core Embodiment Process in the bones for maximum clarity
  • Work more deeply with your legs-and-feet wisdom center so you can walk with, be with, and metabolize these challenging times
  • Get into the habit of bringing your legs-and-feet wisdom area on board for regular “digestion” time
  • And much, much more...

What You’ll Discover in These 10 Sessions

In this 10-session transformational mentorship program from Suzanne, you'll be guided through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully tune into and use the valuable knowledge your body innately holds to release your obstacles to thriving physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Beauty of On-Demand


This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Suzanne. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain a strong, deep, intimate relationship with your own unique physical self for a lifetime of greater awareness and vitality. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.


Module 1: Embodying Your Heart’s Wisdom (2 Sessions)


The gift of the heart is that it connects you to your deepest inspirations what you came here to do at a soul level. The paradox is that you may find yourself doing things pursuing careers, getting into relationships, conducting your daily life based on pleasing others. For many people, this survival pattern arose in childhood.

You may tell yourself that if you can please everyone around you, they’ll love and cherish you. Yet, you’re not pleasing the most important person... and acting from that deep soul quality of who you are. If you feel a constant background ache or anxiety, making you more vulnerable to addictions and generally dulling your existence, it’s time to get in touch with the wisdom of your heart.

When we truly embody at a heart level, this wisdom comes shining through. The quiet voice of the soul gets heard and we begin to change our life in ways that truly feed us, energize us, and thus ultimately lead to a happier life for everyone who loves us and is touched by our gifts and talents.

Most teachings talk about the heart as the locus of love and compassion and certainly we can find these qualities there. However, the true gift of the heart is in how it manifests the inspiration of the soul. Love and compassion live in and catalyze health and wellbeing in every cell in the body, not just the heart.

In this module, which spans two sessions, you will work with your heart experientially and through journaling at deeper and deeper levels until you've released whatever has been blocking you from manifesting your soul’s purpose.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What you are personally inspired to create in your life right now from that soul level of who you are
  • How to nurture a template for your inspiration, which may change over time as it develops
  • What signals to listen to for staying present in your heart as you meet challenges
  • Refinements of your healthy boundaries for living from your soul’s inspirations
  • How to rest back into the deep well of the heart for self-love and nurturing
  • How to honor the wellspring of the well of the deep heart
  • Practice habits that feed your deepest inspirations so you consistently follow through on them

Module 2: Embodying Your Gut Wisdom (2 Sessions)


An informed, embodied gut is a finely tuned navigational tool. It helps you become much clearer about what is yours to do, how you can take “right action,” and what you can delegate.

This instinctual wisdom can steer you towards what’s right for you, and away from what doesn’t serve you. When you second-guess your gut, or are locked out of it due to trauma, stress, or health challenges, it's like being in a boat without a rudder, bobbing along with no capacity to direct where you’re going.

In these two sessions, you’ll discover how to truly listen to your gut. You’ll learn how to read all the signals it gives you when to make a decision and when to put it off, how to discern between old fears and current challenges, and what to do about them.

Healthy boundaries are a key part of the Core Embodiment Process, especially in the gut and belly area. You’ll fully explore what to look for and how to recognize the signals when your boundaries are being violated. That's a vital skill for thriving in today’s world.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize your unique signals when your gut is "talking" to you
  • How the intelligence of the gut supports all the systems of the body healthy brain function, a resilient immune system, and a relaxed nervous system
  • How to use your gut instincts in wise decision making
  • When to hold off on making a decision in a way that is not procrastinating!
  • How to stop second-guessing your gut instincts
  • Auspicious partnerships between your gut wisdom and the rest of the wisdom areas of the body

Module 3: Meet Your Demons & Do It Anyway (1 Session)


This session gives you an opportunity to dive more deeply into your own process shifting, exploring what connects with you at the soul level, then discovering how to work with it when resistance shows up. Suzanne advises: pay attention to nature and what inspires you, and don’t beat yourself up for being imperfect.

This pre-recorded Q&A was led by Healing From the Core (HFC) advanced practitioners. These practitioners of Suzanne’s work answer questions from participants from the live session about the course material.


Module 4: Embodying the Wisdom of Your Pelvis (1 Session)


The Core Embodiment Process that’s focused on the pelvis gives you access to your power. You’ll get a clear sense of whether you’re energized enough to jump into a project, or whether you should slow down, regroup, and look at the situation again in the future when you have more energy.

The pelvis is the metaphoric “engine” of the body. It includes the reproductive system, our creative “womb” area, and the actual anatomical contents of the pelvic bowl. If there are physical or emotional traumas held in this area, it leaves us handicapped with limited access to the energy that helps us thrive in the world. Our only choice is to run on will power alone, which is a recipe for burnout and compassion fatigue.

This wisdom center is the proverbial “black sheep” in our culture demonized by some and holding major shadow material for most of us. We’ll uncover our personal taboos, triggers, and other body myths that may originate here and constantly drain us if not pulled out of the shadows and transformed.

The pelvis is also foundational to the health of our whole system. If we ignore it, we’ll pay a high price. Yet, if we can heal, embrace, and embody this wisdom area, which is essentially the deep energy well of who we are, life takes on an ease and flow that allows us to thrive and our soul to shine.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What hidden body myths may be keeping you from fully embodying in your pelvis
  • How family, cultural, and religious messages can lock us out of this wisdom area
  • How physical and emotional trauma can cause energy challenges in this area
  • The energy anatomy of the pelvis and how you can facilitate its opening and returning to optimal functioning
  • Explorations to connect this wisdom area with the rest of the navigational system of your body for maximal health and wellbeing

Module 5: Embodying the Wisdom of Your Legs & Feet (2 Sessions)


The legs and feet get us moving, activating what the other wisdom areas of the body want to make manifest, and bringing our soul’s inspirations into form. This vital component, which takes us forward or gives us the power to run away, is only partially understood by most.

There is the activation side to this wisdom area, and then there is its deeper function  that of assisting us in “digesting” life in all of its complexity. It helps us make simple what is confusing at times. When there are many options and no clear answer, this wisdom center helps us activate the conversation between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It also helps integrate the messages from the other five wisdom centers.

Oftentimes we procrastinate or put off making decisions when we most need to move forward in our lives. Or, we make decisions based solely on what will make others happy, but not on what our own inner wisdom is whispering to us.

When our embodiment is present here, it frees up our inspiration, guides our steps, and allows us to make positive decisions and grow.

In this module, which spans two sessions, you’ll discover:

  • Deeper listening skills for this area and how its wisdom emerges
  • How to partner this wisdom area with all the others for maximum effect
  • Practices that give you the ability to walk with, be with, and metabolize what is confusing and perhaps challenging in your life, so you can stay creative, energized, and move through it much more quickly
  • Habits that bring this wisdom area on board for regular “digestion” time

Module 6: Embodying the Wisdom of Your Bones (1 Session)


The gift of your bones is the sense of steadiness and clarity they bring. That’s not surprising because the bones are the sturdiest form of connective tissue in the body. They are the scaffolding that everything else rests upon or is protected within. Yet for most of us that gift is hidden away and not recognized for their unique role in the whole human navigational system.

In this module, we’ll experientially explore the strength and steadying effects to be found here when we’re in turbulent situations or in times of emotional overwhelm. Your bones offer an inner sanctum to rest in so that clarity can emerge when you need it most.

Like trees, our bones stand strong in the winds of change. They help us see more clearly what is best for us, particularly what is ours to do at a soul level. Honoring and respecting the inner stillness this wisdom area offers is vital if we wish to hear its deep informing.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Experiential explorations that deepen your ability to hear the wisdom in your bones
  • Advanced practices that combine breath and the Core Embodiment Process in the bones for maximum clarity
  • How this conscious awareness offers information that no other wisdom areas can offer in quite the same way

Module 7: Embodying the Wisdom of Your Integrated Brain (1 Session)


This wisdom area has been previously and falsely elevated to the position of “Boss/King/Queen” when it is fundamentally meant to be a receiving station and repository for the input from all the other wisdom areas of the body.

When a person has an integrated brain, there’s a flow of information pouring in constantly from the gut, the heart, the pelvis, the bones, the legs and feet, and all our other cells... igniting the intelligence of our whole system. When this occurs, the brain can create wise strategies to navigate life.

When we understand that a balanced, integrated brain is a vital part of our whole navigational team, it’s easier to trust what we know, what we perceive, and how we can thrive especially in challenging times.

In this session, you’ll explore how the prefrontal cortex mediates and calms trauma responses when supported by the rest of the body. And how it helps us step back into the driver’s seat of our conscious awareness when challenging traumatic memories arise or when current events trigger old unprocessed trauma.

When the integrated brain is partnered with other key wisdom areas, the fight-flight-freeze response to trauma or challenge can be gently held in a loving, healing way that allows for integration and transformation to take place. This allows a deep relaxation to return to a system often hungry for a sense of peace and joy.

When your integrated brain is fully on board, your creativity functions optimally and your soul’s purpose can manifest. The mapmaker and strategic planning function of this area is no longer trying to control things from a top-down, disconnected perspective, but is now in service to the soul quality of who you are.

The perceptual lens is wide open when this wisdom area is engaged, offering a more expansive view of yourself and the world. By definition, the integrated brain’s role is one of helping us integrate it all  from a feeling of safety to a sense of joy, freedom, and wholeness.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The anatomy of the brain when it functions optimally
  • The structures that are overactive in current trauma situations or during traumatic memory recall
  • How to repair and rewire your nervous system for healing and growth
  • Advanced protocols for encouraging growth and healing after trauma
  • How to connect your brain to the wisdom areas elsewhere in the body for maximal balance, joy, creativity, and a deeper sense of pleasure in being alive
  • How to live from a fully integrated brain, which means deeply connected to the rest of the wisdom areas

Reclaiming Your 6 Body Wisdom Areas Introductory Training Is Included!


This program builds upon the core teachings from Reclaiming Your 6 Body Wisdom Areas 7-module course. When you purchase the 10-part advanced program, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material at your leisure, but it’s better to complete the 7-module introductory course before begining the next level training.

In this 7-module transformational course, Suzanne guides you to activate your body’s capacity for dissolving blocks and traumas so you thrive on every level physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You’ll learn to establish a strong, intimate relationship with your unique physical self and your innate guidance system for a lifetime of greater intuition, vitality, pleasure, and joy.

Each training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain a strong, deep, intimate relationship with your own unique physical self for a lifetime of greater awareness and vitality.

  • Module 1: Bust the 5 Body Myths Derailing Your Body Awareness
  • Module 2: Discover & Reclaim the ‘Front’ & ‘Back’ of Your Heart
  • Module 3: Embrace the Wisdom of Your Gut & Expand Your Instinctual Knowing
  • Module 4: Open to the Ancient Primal Power of Your Pelvis for More Joy & Sensuality
  • Module 5: Use Your Legs & Feet to Step Into Your Healthy Energy Flow
  • Module 6: Claim the Clarity & Steadiness in Your Bones to Live From Your Core
  • Module 7: Discover Your Brain’s Power to Interconnect With All Your Wisdom Areas

PLUS, you’ll get the Body Wisdom Bonus Collection

  • Body Intelligence Summit 2016
    Complete Package of Streaming Videos, Downloadable Audio, and PDF Transcripts
  • What Matters Most
    Audio Interview With Suzanne Scurlock and Paul Samuel Dolman
  • Basic Relaxation & Energizing Exercises
    Audio Package From Suzanne Scurlock

Reclaiming Your 6 Body Wisdom Areas original price was $297.00, and is included in your registration for the advanced course.


The Advanced Core Embodiment Process Bonus Collection

In addition to Suzanne’s transformative 10-part virtual program, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses complement what you’ll learn in the course and deepen your understanding and practice.


Body Intelligence Summit 2016
Complete Package of Streaming Videos, Downloadable Audio, and PDF Transcripts


We’re excited to bring you the world’s leading experts in this emerging field to help you make powerful changes and access your body’s wisdom, enabling you to live more fully in the present moment and make your greatest contribution to the world. Whatever your level of Body Intelligence (“BQ”), the speakers in The Body Intelligence Summit series can help you go to go further drawing from neurobiology, breathwork, dance, and transformational healing modalities to unleash your undiscovered potential.

Featured experts include Katie and Gay Hendricks, Amara Pagano, Banafsheh Sayyad, Russ Hudson, and many more!

Working With Trauma
Audio Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock and Haley Winter


In this podcast with host Haley Winter, Suzanne dives into the world of trauma. How can massage therapists work with it in a safe way for their client? What are some common mistakes massage therapists make when confronted with trauma? Haley asks these questions and many more of Suzanne who’s been working in the field of bodywork and trauma for almost 40 years. This recording speaks to an audience of professional massage therapists. Whether or not you’re a professional, you’re bound to find this information from the perspective of a body worker insightful.

Haley Winter has been practicing massage for almost a decade. He started out working in spas and then moved to private practice. He currently runs “The Winter Method,” a massage clinic in Oakland, California.

Healing From the Core
Conversation With Chris Grosso


Suzanne visits Chris Grosso’s show for a conversation around trauma and Healing From the Core. The two discuss the impact of traumatic events in our lives, big and small. This includes the kind of trauma that comes from things that should have happened for us and never did. When approaching trauma, it is easy to focus primarily on what is going on in the mind. Suzanne explores why it is just as important to focus on healing the heart and opening ourselves fully to its tenderness. One of Suzanne’s points is that it’s our birthright to know how to consciously move back to our bodies and the tremendous amount of wisdom and gifts they have for us. The inspiration of the heart when it wakes up is just exquisite.

Chris Grosso is a youth mental health group facilitator with Newport Academy, public speaker, writer, and author ofIndie Spiritualist, Everything Mind, and Dead Set On Living. Chris is passionate about his work with people who are in the process of healing or struggling with addictions of all kinds. He speaks and leads groups in detoxes, yoga studios, rehabs, youth centers, hospitals, conferences, and festivals worldwide. He’s a member of the advisory board for Drugs over Dinner, hosts The Indie Spiritualist Podcast on Ram Dass’s esteemed Be Here Now Network and is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders. He writes for Revolver Magazine, ORIGIN Magazine, and Huffington Post, and has spoken and performed at Wanderlust Festival, Celebrate Your Life, Yoga Journal Conference, Sedona World Wisdom Days, Kripalu, Sun Valley Wellness Festival, and more.

Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom
Audiobook From Suzanne Scurlock


Many teachers stress the importance of living in the present moment. Few give the actual practices to make it attainable. This ebook teaches you how to return to the incredible navigational system of the body and more fully inhabit each moment. The practices help you find a deeper awareness in the moment, even in the midst of chaos, family and work demands, or the pressure to perform. This deeper awareness also brings a fuller sense of trust and confidence in yourself and in the world. Full Body Presence is filled with concrete, life-friendly explorations and instruction clearly presented in both the book and the free accompanying downloadable audio files.


What Graduates of Suzanne’s Courses Are Saying...

“It’s given me additional ways to deepen and strengthen my presence in the physical world.”

Katrina, Scotland

“... in my body more than I ever have been”

I can stay present now, and be in my body more than I ever have been. It’s truly amazing, I loved this class.
Karla Roy, Weber, Utah

“Helped me connect with my inner wisdom...”

This course really helped me connect with my inner wisdom, grounded in my body. I became aware of blockages I didn’t know I had. Suzanne is a wonderful, easy to follow, grounded teacher. I will use these techniques daily and with my clients. Thank you, Shift Network and Suzanne!
Carrie, Frankfort, Kentucky

“I learned a lot about the power of empathy and presence... ”

Suzanne’s course definitely reassured me on things I intuitively felt but did not always feel allowed to share/teach. I learned a lot about the power of empathy and presence through Suzanne. Thank you.
Paola, Paris, France

“I have a whole new set of meditations and explorations to work with”

I have worked with Suzanne’s explorations for a few years and found the course a wonderful next step in this work. I understand more than I did and I have a whole new set of meditations and explorations to work with.
Mary Ellen, Rockport, Massachusetts

“Created a newer me without negativity...”

A fantastic journey befriending parts of your body that have been pleading to be listened to, heard, and treated with lovingkindness and cherishment. It’s an inside job that can certainly created a newer me without negativity on the road to balance and the sweet life you have yearning for. Are you not worth this?

“Brought a deeper connection with my internal self...”

I have been involved with body wisdom for two years, and this course brought a deeper connection with my internal self. Thank you for offering this course. I would strongly recommend it to anyone.
Linda, Washington State

“I felt a genuine care and warmth...”

I felt a genuine care and warmth from the facilitator and teacher during the course and feel continued support by this organization, like they sincerely care. The Shift Network generously further supports the participants by making all the coursework accessible for a year! I need this and am delighted to have this access.

“Public speaking in a more fully grounded and present way...”

I was able to apply the information in this course to do public speaking in a more fully grounded and present way than I ever have before.

“... gave me so much new information and insight”

“As much as you can in this moment,” is one of Suzanne’s sayings that I constantly use in my life to have compassion for myself as I try so hard but often don’t see the progress I would like. I have studied so much but this course gave me so much new information and insight. Thank you!
Rev. Dr. E-K Daufin, Montgomery, Alabama

“Easy to learn and so usable.”

This work is a great addition to everyday self care and is also excellent for PTSD. Easy to learn and so usable. I highly recommend this class.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

10 Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Sessions

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from leading conscious awareness instructor Suzanne Scurlock from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video option and guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

Reclaiming Your 6 Body Wisdom Areas 7-module Course and Bonuses

When you sign up for this 10-part journey, you’ll get instant access to Suzanne’s first 7-module online course, guiding you to activate your body’s capacity for dissolving blocks and traumas so you thrive on every level physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You’ll also receive the Body Wisdom Bonus Collection.

The Advanced Core Embodiment Process Bonus Collection
  • Body Intelligence Summit 2016
    Complete Package of Streaming Videos, Downloadable Audio, and PDF Transcripts (Valued at $197.00)
  • Working With Trauma
    Audio Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock and Haley Winter
  • Healing From the Core
    Conversation With Chris Grosso
  • Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom
    Audiobook From Suzanne Scurlock

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Advanced Core Embodiment Process Virtual Training

We feel honored Suzanne Scurlock has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an expert in awakening the body’s innate wisdom and whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about activating your body’s innate capacity to thrive on every level, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Register Today!
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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Advanced Core Embodiment Processwith Suzanne Scurlock or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Suzanne Scurlock...

“A brilliant teacher...”

Suzanne Scurlock is a brilliant teacher who offers a powerful approach to healing on all levels.
Shakti Gawain, Author of Creative Visualization

“Decades of work facilitating profound transformation...”

In her book Reclaiming Your Body, Suzanne Scurlock draws on her decades of work facilitating profound transformation in people suffering from a range of physical and emotional dis-ease.
Tara Brach, PhD, Author of Radical Acceptance

“More health, vitality, and freedom”

Suzanne is a master practitioner with extraordinary intuitive and healing abilities whom I have been blessed to know and work with for many years. Reclaiming Your Body is a groundbreaking work that can lead all of us to more health, vitality, and freedom.
Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, Author of Bodywise

“Be friends with your body...”

[Suzanne] shows you how to be friends with your body how to relate to it as an ally rather than something to control, judge, manipulate, or push away.
John Upledger, DO, OMM

“... allowed me to show up more powerfully...”

I remember how life changing this workshop was for me the first time through. It was a turning point in my journey that allowed me to show up more powerfully in my office and hospital practice.
Dr. Joel Ying, MD, certified Healing From the Core presenter

“[Suzanne] showed me how to incorporate essential resources of energy...”

After studying with Suzanne, there’s an ease during my therapeutic sessions that I had not previously experienced... [Suzanne] showed me how to incorporate essential resources of energy, grounding, and connection to spirit/life force.
A physical therapist from New York

“Nowhere else have I found such powerful, yet gentle, healing”

Nowhere else have I found such powerful, yet gentle, healing. These trainings are a masterful synthesis of conscious intention, cutting-edge hands-on work, and ancient Indigenous ceremony using breath, movement, and sound to augment it all. What an incredible combination!
An occupational therapist from North Carolina

“... helped me to deepen my experience of being grounded”

I loved the practical skills I learned [from the course]... I found the grounding skills highly valuable. Also, the breath and movement exercises helped me to deepen my experience of being grounded. Now, I can call upon this in the real world, especially at school.
A massage therapy student

“... allowed me to fully expand my practice and therapeutic presence”

The blending of Suzanne’s unique and wonderful gift of teaching allowed me to fully expand my practice and therapeutic presence. Learning these concepts and techniques... opened the door to fully understand the depth and possibilities this work can bring to others, as well as myself. Suzanne teaches each of us how to connect to our source, how to hold a healing space for another person, and how to live life to its fullest... Thank you.
A physical therapist

“This work is vital for dealing with the uncertainty and trauma...”

This work has changed my life! This work is vital for dealing with the uncertainty and trauma so present in these times.


About Suzanne Scurlock, CMT, CST-D


Suzanne Scurlock, CMT, CST-D, bestselling author of Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom, is one of the world’s leading authorities on conscious awareness and its transformational impact on the healing process.

For more than 30 years, she has empowered people with practical tools that enable them to experience joy in each moment without burning out. These skills help improve every aspect of their lives, from their health and wellbeing to their relationships, their careers, their creativity, and even the growth of their businesses.

After decades of perfecting her methods of awakening the body’s innate wisdom, Suzanne created the comprehensive “Healing From the Core” training curriculum in 1994. Today it includes a robust selection of international workshops, webinars, speaking engagements, and audio programs.

One of the original instructors personally mentored by the late Dr. John E. Upledger, Suzanne also continues to teach Craniosacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release® for the Upledger Institute on nearly every continent.

What’s more, she collaborated with the late Emilie Conrad for almost two decades. Together they integrated Emilie’s Continuum Movement® with Suzanne’s book, Full Body Presence, to teach other practitioners how to accelerate and deepen the healing process.

Suzanne has authored hundreds of articles, and thousands visit her blog at “Presence Matters: Reflections on Body, Mind and Spirit.” Plus, she maintains a private practice in Reston, Virginia, where her clients continue to benefit from the innovative techniques she taught in her first book, Full-Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

