With Bestselling Author, Preeminent Intuitive &
World-Renowned Healer
Cyndi Dale

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Course


Harness the power of energy medicine tools including scalar waves, psychic surgery, and your chakras’ specific extrasensory energies to cleanse dis-ease and restore balance within yourself, nature beings, pets, and more.


When our world feels especially chaotic, it’s incredible to consider that some things are actually constant such as the powerful life-force energy that’s within and all around you.

Electromagnetic energy is emitted by all objects, and scalar energy (sound waves that can penetrate any solid object and travel faster than the speed of light) can amplify healing and expand consciousness.

Now, imagine you could access the energy in these powerful electromagnetic waves.

You’d be empowered to transform physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease, and much more.

The truth is, there are many energy medicine tools and abilities you already naturally possess especially in your extrasensory chakras, and particularly in your most potent chakra… the chakra that can empower you to safely amp up and direct your ability for healing and manifesting.

You also hold your own unique mystical capacity, which is hidden in your twelfth chakra and you have the skill of seventh-chakra prophecy to make healthy food-related choices.

You even have within you the ability to visit the future to find solutions that bring about transformation and heal health issues.

These are just a few  tools you already have at your disposal. And it’s time to harness their power by creating your own energy medicine toolkit, so you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way.

Register for a powerful 7-module course with Cyndi Dale, leading intuitive healer and author of 27 books on energy medicine.

Cyndi will guide you to use the power of energy medicine and the specific extrasensory energies of your chakras to clear yourself of negativity and restore balance and vitality in your mind and body.

You’ll boost your health and wellbeing as you outshine obstacles to wholeness and fulfillment in our tumultuous world.

You’ll also master the practice of psychic surgery, harness your sixth chakra to transmute environmental toxicity, clear food sensitivities and cravings and cleanse injuries and negativity from nature beings, pets, and more.

Welcome a Preeminent Intuitive & World-Renowned Healer as Your Mentor

Cyndi, a natural intuitive since childhood, is a globally recognized authority in the field of subtle energy and energy work.

She’s known for her ability to perceive what’s blocking others from opening to their essential energy  their unique powers and perspectives and for seeing what’s blocking them from applying their healing gifts.

Having worked with over 65,000 students and clients, Cyndi has mastered the art of harnessing the power of absolute scalar waves to effect exponential change and healing. She uses this ability to bridge energies from absolute reality into normal reality.

In short, she’s connecting heaven and earth, approaching healing and manifestation from the perspective that we live in two universes   absolute and normal reality simultaneously. She combines the powerful healing energies of both to “wield true power in 3-D reality.”

Join Cyndi for these seven modules and you’ll learn to use the same tools that ancient shamans used and that modern energy healers currently use to remove the underlying energetic patterns (or “blueprints”) of illness, enabling the body to heal itself more easily.

Cyndi has an amazing ability to break down complex concepts into practices you can easily understand and apply to your daily life. This course is open to all no energy medicine background needed and Cyndi will be there to support and guide you every step of the way.

You’ll discover how to use your own extrasensory powers to make daily decisions not for the self you’ve always been, but for the new self you’re becoming.

What I love most about Cyndi Dale is that she teaches you how to clear your energy and listen to your intuition in fun, fast, and easy ways. Once you integrate these energy tools into your daily life, you will be amazed at how quickly you start to feel lighter, more confident, more energetic, and above all, no longer stuck repeating the same old patterns in life.
One of Cyndi Dale’s students

In these fascinating seven modules, you’ll discover:

  • The specific chakra that’s most important and potent for YOU
  • 3 ways to control and direct sixth chakra clairvoyance
  • How to use subtle crystals for protection and to transmute environmental toxicity
  • The skill of clair-empathy to communicate with a pet or natural being
  • Ways to direct absolute scalar waves through the ninth chakra to create calm and healing
  • The seventh chakra’s prophetic clairvoyance for healing and choice-making
  • Beneficial chakra-based food choices that heal food cravings and sensitivities
  • How to perform alchemical futuring to alter the negative forces creating today’s major issues
  • Ways to modernize and apply psychic surgery to heal yourself and others
  • Ways to merge all physical and intuitive senses and gain instant insight and guidance to make every day a transcendent experience
  • The science behind absolute scalar waves and how their energetic powers can aid in true healing and successful manifestation
  • The energetic causes of dis-ease, including autoimmunity, allergies, and addictions

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Cyndi will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to cleanse dis-ease and restore balance within yourself, nature beings, pets, and more.

The Power of On-Demand Video

You'll experience Cyndi and her teachings through pre-recorded video modules. This format is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Cyndi's wisdom and guidance.

This course will feature pre-recorded teaching modules, and experiential practices with Cyndi. Each module will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to create your own energy medicine toolkit for these challenging times and beyond.

Module 1: Activate Your Strongest and Hidden Chakra Powers for Seismic Transformation


Are you ready for radical and unprecedented transformation? You’ll discover two extrasensory powers you can awaken and start applying right away.

You’ll also explore a completely unique ability you have, which is lying hidden in your twelfth chakra.

You’ll learn to direct spirit-to-spirit and absolute scalar waves. Cyndi will also guide you to use your major chakra and your twelfth-chakra siddhis (powerful gifts) for healing and manifestation for yourself and others.

In this exciting first module, Cyndi will assist you with uncovering and awakening these superpowers so you can direct them toward true transformation.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The extrasensory abilities found in each of the 12 chakras in Cyndi’s signature system
  • Why there’s a specific chakra that’s most important and potent for YOU and how to identify and unlock this chakra
  • Two advanced energy technologies to safely amp up and direct your chakra powers for healing and manifesting
  • Your own unique mystical ability that’s hidden in your twelfth chakra
  • Demonstrations, interactions, and handouts to speed you toward transcendence
  • A guided meditation to pinpoint your specific chakra-related power

Module 2: Harnessing Sixth-Chakra Clairvoyance to Transmute Environmental Toxicity


Your sixth chakra can be up-charged to do more than perceive psychic images...

This mdoule, you’ll learn to apply andcontrol its color-based powers to transmute the various forms of environmental toxicity that are impacting us all.

You’ll also explore three ways to control and direct sixth-chakra clairvoyance and you’ll learn to use subtle crystals for protection and transmuting environmental toxicity.

In this module, you’ll discover how to create environmental safety when you:

  • Activate your enhanced sixth-chakra clairvoyant ability
  • Discover 3 higher order mechanisms for enhancing this clairvoyance: point-of-view alteration, image framing, and time-space alterations
  • Study handouts and participate in discussions about several forms of environmental toxicity
  • Apply the clairvoyance skills to locate and clear environmental reactions
  • Explore the scientifically researched use of subtle crystals to create personal EMF boundaries
  • Receive a guided meditation to illuminate ways YOU can keep the environment safe

Module 3: Relate to Your Pets & Nature Beings With Clair-Empathic Communication


Our pets and all natural beings are affected by this global crisis.

This module, you’ll discover ways you can assist them. You’ll explore how to release them from the negative ways we might be (unintentionally) impacting them.

Cyndi will also share how you can let them teach you, as they are meant to. You’ll cultivate a powerful ability to communicate with, provide healing for, and restore balance to a nature being or pet and the Earth overall.

In this module, you’ll learn to serve our most devoted companions as you:

  • Explore the true nature of your relationship with Earth’s living beings
  • Discover the various ways we exchange energy with pets and natural beings and how we hurt and help them
  • Develop clair-empathy, a powerful method for intuitively relating to a pet or natural being
  • Direct absolute scalar waves through the ninth chakra to clear a natural being of injuries and negativity, restoring them to grace and balance
  • Enjoy discussion, a guided meditation, demonstrations, and self-guided exercises to reveal the exact reason a pet is or has been in your life

Module 4: Selecting Foods While Energetically Clearing Sensitivities & Cravings


Food is powerful medicine but making foodstuff and substance-related choices can be problematic for many of us.

This module, you’ll learn to select foods in line with your major chakra to nourish your soul and body simultaneously and free yourself from certain sensitivities and cravings.

You’ll explore a unique form of prophetic clairvoyance that releases you from the negative subtle charges and forces that cause your food challenges.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand the little-known energetic reasons for food and substance challenges, including negative charges and forces
  • Convert unhealthy food issues back into life energy
  • Learn and practice seventh-chakra prophecy to create foodstuff healing and make food-related choices
  • Explore the energetic meaning of various food categories carbs, proteins, fats, and more
  • Make spot-on food choices according to your major chakra
  • Receive a guided healing to connect with positive energy for food healing

Module 5: Physical Healing With Psychic Surgery


Shamans have long employed psychic surgery to enable physical healing.

This module, you’ll explore how to modernize and apply psychic surgery to heal yourself and others.

As you’ll discover, psychic surgery depends on the application of two advanced energetic approaches transmutation of substances and bi- (or tri-) location.

Cyndi will share what the ancients knew and how to create changes in your own and others’ physical realities.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The many ways various ancient cultures have employed psychic surgery, and their powerful observations
  • How to activate your ability to perform transmutation of substances
  • Ways to use bi- (and tri-) location to create alchemical changes at causal points
  • How to create physical healing for yourself and others
  • A guided meditation to learn 2 ways of performing psychic surgery directing absolute scalar waves for transmutation, and conducting bi- (or tri-) location to obtain needed healing energies

Module 6: Psychic Futuring to Address Chronic & Autoimmune Challenges


If you’re like most of us, you or someone you love is afflicted by an autoimmune disease, addictions, or some other chronic health issue.

This module, you’ll visit the future to find solutions on an absolute grid that bring about transformation.

Cyndi will share how to perform alchemical futuring to alter the negative forces creating today’s major issues.

In this module, you’ll follow the light fantastic as you:

  • Understand the energetic causes of chronic and autoimmune dysfunctions, addictions, and allergies
  • Practice a radical futuring process to obtain futuristic healing forces that can transform today’s negative ones
  • Discover how chronic conditions and time work, so you’ll feel empowered and educated
  • Receive a guided meditation to journey to an absolute grid that holds the solutions for today’s issues

Module 7: Using Synesthesia to Make Decisions


In this closing module, you’ll celebrate your emerging self that’s now ready to fly.

You’ll discover how to make daily decisions for the self that you’re becoming, not the self you’ve been.

Cyndi will also guide you to revisit the superpowers you discovered in Module 1, and she’ll show you how to apply the technology of synesthesia (blended senses) through your strongest chakra to create immediate transformation.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Gain knowledge of the emerging self, and your updated life purpose
  • Discern how you’re going to create a new order in your life
  • Merge your intuitive abilities and superpowers into your most potent chakra, formulating the synesthesia ability
  • Employ your synesthesia superpower to gain much-needed healing and manifesting energies
  • Prepare for the next flight of your soul as you practice this synesthesia through demonstrations and a guided meditation
  • Feel empowered to merge all physical and intuitive senses and gain instant insight and guidance to make every day a transcendent experience

The Intuitive Energetic Power Bonus Collection

In addition to Cyndi’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


The 3 Clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience & Clairempathy
Video Interview With Cyndi Dale and Dr. Shamini Jain

In this video interview, Dr. Shamini Jain dives into clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairempathy with luminary healer Cyndi Dale, helping you understand what these natural gifts are and how to cultivate them in yourself.

Scientist, psychologist, and healer Dr. Shamini Jain teaches both the science and the experience of all facets of wellbeing required for a fully embodied, joyful life. Born in an East Indian Jain household, Shamini has been fascinated with healing and human potential since early childhood. She has conducted pioneering research on meditation and hands-on healing, and is a recognized expert in biofield science and healing.


Energetic Healing for COVID-19 Meditation
Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale

In this powerful teaching, Cyndi equips you with the subtle energetic tools you’ll need to get through this uncertain time and support the people you love along the way. You’ll receive practical tips for approaching the virus itself and providing yourself with energetic protection.


Kundalini Meditation
Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale

Did you know that the words for breath and spirit are the same in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin? Taking time to breathe and relax is truly essential. Follow along with this comforting, cleaning session and breathe deeply as Cyndi leads you through this powerful practice.


Setting Your Energetic Boundaries Meditation
Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale

One of Cyndi’s favorite ways to work with energetic boundaries is to incorporate color healing. Cyndi will guide you to use your ability to perceive psychic energy and evaluate your energetic boundaries as they connect to color. You’ll also move through the three steps of color healing.


What People Are Saying About Cyndi Dale...


Arne Heissel: “I’m Now Living an Authentic Life”

Carol LaSota Rouffaud: “I Feel Very Empowered After Taking Cyndi's Classes”

Tonya Dee: “My Heart Resonates With Everything Cyndi Brings to the Table”


Jonianne Jeannette: “Cyndi Shines Through With Such Clarity and Divinity”

Ofer Niv: “With Everything That Cyndi Knows, She Is Extremely Humble”

Fatima Remtulla: “I Appreciate Cyndi’s Down-to-Earth Approach to Blending Science and Spirituality”

“I feel like I could spend a lifetime with her and still never stop learning.”

[Cyndi’s work] is so rich and so helpful. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on programs that have promised results but failed to deliver any relevant teaching. Cyndi is quite the opposite... I feel like I could spend a lifetime with her and still never stop learning. She is really tapped into divine energy and her books reflect that... I feel like I’m growing as a person and as an energetic being. My boundary issues are slowly starting to heal.

“Her explanations of how our energy bodies (systems) work... are always a joy to read.”

Whenever Cyndi Dale publishes a new book, has an online course, or offers a new audio, I am there. Her writing is always so fluid and easy to follow. Her explanations of how our energy bodies (systems) work and how we can keep our energy flowing are always a joy to read.

“... exercises to increase one’s clairvoyance that is easy to incorporate into one’s everyday life.”

[Cyndi Dale] provides clear and concise information on raising one’s intuition. She provides step-by-step exercises to increase one’s clairvoyance that is easy to incorporate into one’s everyday life. I especially like her spirit-to-spirit exercise. Whether you are a professional or a novice in the intuitive arts, [Cyndi] has something for everyone.
Monique Chapman

“... everything I have ever tried to piece together about trauma and chronic illness.”

[Cyndi explains] in detail in an easy-to-understand way all about energy seen and unseen, and how our body, mind, emotions, illness, etc. are affected by these different energies. [She discusses] everything I have ever tried to piece together about trauma and chronic illness.

“Cyndi is truly the expert behind the energy body.”

Cyndi is truly the expert behind the energy body. I’m blown away by how simple, yet effective, her techniques are. I’m looking forward to reading more of her books!

“... took me where I hadn’t been before!”

I love Cyndi Dale’s work and have a number of her books. As a Healing Touch practitioner and Reiki Master, I know tons about energy work, chakras, auras, empaths, etc., but [Cyndi] took me where I hadn’t been before! I am integrating what I’ve learned... into my practice with my clients, and I also use the techniques on myself. For example, I had no idea you could be connected to the land where you were born... As a student of psychology, I also knew we repeated patterns by our subconscious minds driving us, but I never factored in the additional impact of our energy fields.

“[Cyndi] gives solid advice on how to set boundaries... so that you’re not as overwhelmed by external energy dynamics...”

Very helpful for sensitive people (or for anyone, for that matter) who have trouble with establishing themselves as whole individuals. By that, I mean those of us who are sensitive to energy dynamics that others put out and that we feel keenly, and have a hard time dealing with. [Cyndi] gives solid advice on how to set boundaries and how to empower yourself so that you’re not as overwhelmed by external energy dynamics, and explains the whole topic well.
M. Sloan

“Great tips for self-transformation...”

Great tips for self-transformation... Awesome exercises and meditations. Cyndi once again shows her genius!

“I learn something new every time I read one of her books or participate in her programs.”

I’ve been a student of Cyndi Dale’s for quite some time and part of her apprenticeship program twice... I learn something new every time I read one of her books or participate in her programs.

“Cyndi is clear, concise, and generous with her messages!”

Maddie Rose


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Pre-recorded Class Modules With Cyndi Dale

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from bestselling author, preeminent intuitive, and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to harness the power of energy medicine tools to cleanse dis-ease and restore balance within yourself, nature beings, pets, and more.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Intuitive Energetic Power Bonus Collection
  • The 3 Clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience & Clairempathy
    Video Interview With Cyndi Dale and Dr. Shamini Jain
  • Energetic Healing for COVID-19 Meditation
    Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale
  • Kundalini Meditation
    Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale
  • Setting Your Energetic Boundaries Meditation
    Audio Recording From Cyndi Dale

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Amplify Essential Energy to Heal Dis-Ease & Restore Balance Online Training


We feel honored that Cyndi Dale has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a bestselling author, preeminent intuitive, and world-renowned healer whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about harnessing the power of energy medicine tools to cleanse dis-ease and restore balance within yourself, nature beings, pets, and more, then you owe it to yourself and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Amplify Essential Energy to Heal Dis-Ease & Restore Balance or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Cyndi Dale...

“Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive...”

Cyndi Dale is a natural intuitive who teaches, coaches, and advises people with the intention of supporting them as they move toward positive change and healing.
Alanis Morrisette, Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter

“An extraordinary body of work.”

An extraordinary body of work. The Subtle Body belongs in the library of every truly conscious person on the planet.
― Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of  Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“... a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale has accomplished something that I haven’t yet seen done by any other author for this genre. She masterfully presents a very personable, understandable, and comprehensive exploration of the science and practice of energy medicine from ancient times through now. This is one of the most understandable explanations of how energy medicine therapies work that I have ever read.
― Cynthia Hutchison, Director of the Healing Touch Program

“Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine...”

Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st-century expert on energy medicine ― she takes the reader to the leading edge of this emerging, exciting field with her brilliant insight and intuition. This is the perfect encyclopedic guide to harnessing the energetic wisdom of both ancient and modern traditions in a hands-on way. Everyone ― patients and practitioners ― would benefit by having this book on their shelves for reference and for everyday living.
― Deanna Minich, PhD, health expert and author of  Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

“... offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing.”

Spiritual scholar Dale (The Subtle Body) offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners of energy healing. There’s a cornucopia of healing modalities and practices, she explains, ranging from Eastern and Western medicine to field-based healing and bodywork... Written in a clear and compassionate yet businesslike tone, this work will be a go-to guide for anyone considering energy healing as a vocation or avocation.
― Publishers Weekly


About Cyndi Dale


Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive healer, and business consultant. Her groundbreaking books on chakras and intuition include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy... Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness... Energy Wellness for Your Pets... Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras... Awaken Clairvoyance... and Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life.

Cyndi, who’s been a natural intuitive since she was young, offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change. Her passion includes helping people open their “essential energy” the powers and perspectives unique to them. She works with thousands of individuals a year, in the United States and internationally. She believes that once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of, and beyond, the world, joining a community of like-minded people who want to better themselves and others.

Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, and Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and into Africa. Her training encompasses shamanism and healing, and has taken her to the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rican jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, and the glaciers of Iceland. Her two favorite workshops to lead are her Apprenticeship Program, a 9-month exploration of intuitive and healing powers; and The Subtle Body Certificate Program, led through Normandale College. She seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples.

Cyndi works with clients and groups on a daily basis, serving as an intuitive coach and energy healer. Clients are commonly referred by professionals, including psychiatrists, medical doctors, and therapists. She continues to hone her ability to help people discover their essential selves so they can make healthy and positive changes in their lives.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
