With Author & Intuitive Healing Facilitator
Dave Markowitz

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Clear, open, and align your energy to prevent overload and move beyond challenges that come with innate sensitivity... using a proven set of practices that address your wellbeing in a holistic way.

Like it or not, energy is always flowing between each and every one of us.

The unskilled empath takes it in and on not only feeling the energy and emotions of others, but becoming a repository for them in ways that can leave you feeling bogged down.

Unconsciously, we take on the burdens of our friends, family members, work associates, and the world.

More traditional methods of energetic shielding try to mitigate this effect by separating us from others. You’re told to put up a wall, encase yourself in white light, install an energetic mirror, and other fear-based approaches.

On the surface, these tactics seem logical and can be effective in the short-term. However, long-term, they can deplete your health and energy, disempowering you from your most important gift: Your sensitivity.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to have a toolkit that empowers you to navigate the challenges of being sensitive, and to harness these gifts?

Wouldn’t it be helpful to have protective tools that are more aligned with love?

During this empowering course with intuitive healer Dave Markowitz, you’ll take powerful steps toward becoming a skilled empath, able to holistically revitalize your health by aligning your innate sensitivity with the love-based energetic tools that are best suited to you.

In doing so, you’ll expand your capacity for healing yourself and helping others on their healing journey as someone who can consciously identify the energy that is yours...

... and easily access and transmit expansive energies such as joy, unconditional love, and freedom without taking on unwanted energy and or becoming depleted.

Dave helps empaths and highly sensitive persons prevent and heal the deepest causative layers of their pain, illnesses, and blockages.

During your time with him, you’ll learn powerful techniques to protect yourself from incoming energy and heal absorbed energies while remaining open, loving, and compassionate.

In addition to the energetic training, you’ll discover the best types of foods for empaths, how to get quality sleep, and how to care for your Self and others better than ever before.

You’ll learn why your aches and pains always seem to come back, and you’ll get to their root causes in a safe and holistic way.

You’ll explore why integrating emotions such as grief, fear, and anger is far healthier for you than repressing them...

... and how to instantly find relief from anxiousness and fear by reconnecting to Spirit and allowing the wisdom and healing energy of the oneness of life to guide you.

Dave will share the powerful truths of why it isn’t actually your job to heal others, and why you’re not thriving in your healing practice.

He’ll help you heal the patterns and wounds of self-criticism and build the skills you need to address inner imbalances from a heart-centered place... rather than micromanaging your health through your mind, which seldom works.

Ultimately, you’ll uplevel your skills as an empath by mastering your energy, knowing when to use which energetic tools and why, and approaching your own health needs in a holistic way.

Are you ready to discover why you haven’t healed, and how you can?

Join Dave on this empowering journey to maximize your energy, move beyond health challenges and lead your life with confidence, compassion, ease, and grace.

The Perils of Being an Energetic Sponge

Sending Unwanted Energy Back to Its Source

How This Empath Course Is Different

On your journey to becoming a skilled empath, you’ll:

  • Protect yourself from incoming energy without closing off your gifts of connection
  • Explore why you haven’t healed yet, and what you can do about it
  • Be guided through the Keyhole V2.1 exercise to learn how to be in the presence of anyone or anything without being drained
  • Discover how even if your job is being a healer, it isn’t your job to heal
  • Explore why you’re not thriving in your healing practice and the meaning, value, and necessity of a safe space for healing
  • Healthily heal absorbed energies to get your energy flowing again
  • Explore viable tools for integrating repressed emotions so you can move forward with ease and grace (this includes a deeper understanding of duality and the role of the ego)
  • Explore your aches and pains, get to their root causes and address them head-on holistically and safely
  • Learn effective tools to maximize your energy, the best foods and exercise routines for empaths and the best way to get through any health or life challenge
  • Learn why pains return even after you think they’ve been healed
  • Learn how to identify and heal what’s yours, how to vent and have fun at the same time and the most powerful question to ask about your life’s purpose
  • Stop adhering to unrealistic expectations and the norm of “pushing through” to heal the wound of self-criticism
  • Discover why empaths attract narcissists and how to stop this madness

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Dave will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to align your innate sensitivity with the tools that are best suited to all facets of your wellbeing.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Dave. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to clear, open, and align your energy to prevent overload and move beyond challenges that come with innate sensitivity.

Module 1: Aligned Protection for Deeper Connections With Others & Spirit

During this powerful opening class, you’ll be introduced to two powerful, love-based tools to healthily protect yourself against incoming negativity enabling you to still be there for others without getting drained.

Dave’s Pattern vs. Truth and Keyhole V2.1 energy medicine practices will teach you how to feel safe and in the flow of life, further opening you to the gifts of the Universe and deepening your connections with other people and Spirit.

You’ll also get answers to some of the questions every empath or sensitive person faces:

  • Why do I feel like a walking sponge for everyone else’s energy?
  • What causes us to be the dumping ground for others’ stuff?
  • Why do I feel so alone?
  • Why do I want to heal everyone I see?
  • I have all these amazing gifts why can’t I do this work full-time?

As you learn about aligned protection, you’ll:

  • Assess if your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with your highest self to ensure you’re responding to life from a place of inspired action vs. unconscious reaction
  • Protect yourself from incoming energy without closing off your gifts of connection
  • Explore why you haven’t healed yet and what you can do about it
  • Be guided through the Keyhole V2.1 exercise to learn how to be in the presence of anyone or anything without being drained
  • Discover how even if your job is being a healer, it isn’t your job to heal
  • Explore why you’re not thriving in your healing practice and the meaning, value, and necessity of a safe space for healing

Module 2: The X Factors in Healing for Permanent Symptom Relief

If you identify as an empath, odds are that you’ve absorbed energy from others and that is the underlying cause of your pain or illness.

There is a special healing process that can relieve symptoms of absorbed energy with ease, and the results are often permanent.

In this session, you’ll not only learn about this process... you’ll be led through it and likely feel very different in just a few minutes more energized, joyful, and able to face life with more capacity.

You’ll also learn tools to help you work with your own blockages and be walked through an exercise to help embody this wisdom.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn healing as a sculptor removing armor to get to the heart of the matter
  • Healthily heal absorbed energies and regain your energetic capacity
  • Learn how to identify and heal what’s yours
  • Discover why trying to get rid of something can’t actually work
  • Explore symptoms as messages that need to be heard, not repressed
  • Learn how working these processes can bring you to a state of oneness and how to love and care for your Self and others better than ever

Module 3: Healing the Emotional Body to Empower Your Health

Working solely to relieve symptoms without fully addressing your emotional body will typically leave you seeking more and more healing work.

In this class, you’ll explore the repressed emotions that may be underpinning your health, such as grief, fear, and anger. You’ll discover how your response to these emotions may be trapping you within them, and you’ll learn viable tools for moving forward with ease and grace.

Everyone has grief, and the repression of that energy is a causative factor in almost every pain or illness Dave has worked with.

For those who feel so deeply, the popular notion to just “feel the fear” and move on, or to bury your anger rather than integrate it, can be an invitation for emotional overwhelm.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How your emotions affect your physiology
  • How to become emotionally free
  • Viable tools to help you move forward with ease and grace
  • Repressed energies in new and more aligned ways that can get you positive results

Module 4: Healing the Physical Body for More Energy & Fewer Aches & Pains

Have you had physical aches and pains that have hindered you to some degree? Have you been told that the cause is solely physical?

Dave teaches that even something that’s very physical can be connected to emotional trauma that works on your nervous system years after the event. This emotional residue can hinder physical healing.

In this module, you’ll explore your aches and pains, get to their root causes... and address them head-on holistically and safely.

You’ll also learn about the underlying causes of fatigue one of the most common diagnoses for empaths... and how to maximize your energy.

As you explore how to heal your physical body, you’ll:

  • Address the root causes of your aches and pains holistically and safely
  • Learn powerful tools to maximize your energy
  • Discover why working solely on the physical level affects your emotional body
  • Learn why pains return even after you think they’ve been healed

Module 5: Healing the Mental Body to Relieve Self-Criticism & the Narcissist/Empath Connection

Have you been told to focus on what you do want and not to dwell on the negative? Virtually everyone has but how has this worked for you?

Have you been encouraged to push through and just figure everything out? When it comes to healing, figuring it out activates the mind which, as Dave teaches, doesn’t want you to get better.

In fact, pushing through what doesn’t want to be pushed through, and the unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves when trying to heal, are invitations to more self-criticism and the negative outcomes it creates.

In this module, you’ll explore your mental body and learn how what you think you want may not be what you really want... and how that can be a major source of frustration or inspiration.

Dave will also speak to the narcissist-empath connection to help you get to the root of why empaths can’t get enough of narcissists.

As you explore your mental body, you’ll:

  • Learn how to vent and have fun at the same time
  • Stop adhering to unrealistic expectations and the norm of pushing through to heal the wound of self-criticism
  • Open your mind to receive the gifts of the Universe
  • Learn how to stay connected to your heart among the collective traumas
  • Discover why empaths attract narcissists and how to stop this madness

Module 6: Healing the Energy Body to Transform Fear & Confusion Into Love & Understanding

Do you suffer from low energy? Are you dragging through your day no matter how many cups of coffee you drink or how many hours you’ve slept?

In this class, you’ll learn how to get your energy flowing again. Dave will share techniques for getting the best night’s sleep... and how to greet your challenges so that they’re more exciting than draining.

You’ll also explore the energetic attachments that you’re carrying...

... and how when you open to the idea that everything happening to you is actually happening for you, you can better understand what your attachments are trying to show you so you can shift from fear and confusion to love and understanding.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to get your energy flowing again
  • Identify the energetic attachments that you’re carrying and how over-responsibility and attachments affect your energy flow
  • Discover how self-criticism affects your energy
  • Learn the best foods and exercise routines for empaths and become more vibrant
  • Shift from fear and confusion to love and understanding

Module 7: Healing the Spiritual Body to Move From Anxiousness & Fear to Possibility & Purpose

Are you having a dark night of the soul ? What are your challenges trying to show you?

Dave teaches that regardless of what’s happening on the outside, your soul is having a party. In fact, your soul is an experience junkie.

It doesn’t judge experiences because part of your spiritual growth is to experience everything. For example, across one or dozens of lifetimes, at some point you’ll experience pain to fully appreciate health.

During the final class, you’ll explore duality and the role of the ego to gain an expanded view of their purposes and how to minimize their negative effects lovingly and compassionately.

You’ll also learn the most powerful question you can ever ask about finding your purpose for being here...

... one that will instantly take you out of anxiousness and fear and reconnect you to Spirit, where all the steps we need to take become obvious.

As you heal the wounds that are blocking your innate connections, you’ll have better access to your deepest truth. As you move through not around those blockages, you can truly be the change you want to see in the world.

To heal your spiritual body, you’ll:

  • Explore duality and the role of the ego to gain an expanded view of their purposes
  • Gain an expanded view of your soul’s contract
  • Instantly find relief from anxiousness and fear by reconnecting to Spirit
  • Discover the best way to get through any health or life challenge
  • Learn the most powerful question to ask about your life’s purpose
  • Heal the wounds that are blocking your innate connections and gain access to your deepest truth

The Skilled Empath Bonus Collection

In addition to Dave’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Dave’s Raves: Most Popular Talks From Shift Summits
Series of 4 Sessions From the Shift Summit Library

Dave has been in several Empath Summits on the Shift Network. His grounded approach to healing and living your best life as an empath has made his talks among the most popular of all the speakers and healers. Now, you’ll have easy access to these talks! Powerful sessions include “Creating a Sacred Container for Healing” and “Intuitive Healing for Empaths & Sensitives.”

Excerpt From Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons
PDF Chapter From the Book by Dave Markowitz

This PDF chapter from Dave’s book Empathipedia will help ease any feelings of being alone in the world. It will give you hope that you can finally heal what’s been ailing you. Empathipedia details the underlying causes of the most common health challenges for empaths, sensitives, and intuitives and provides you with practical, doable action steps on how to heal at the root.

Group Healing Session
Session With Dave Markowitz

This group healing session will take you deeper into the underlying causes of your pain or illness and how to heal them. Dave will guide you through exercises to heighten your intuition and expand your inner awareness. Through continued use of the tools you learn in this course, you’ll become a master at healing for empaths.

What People Are Saying About Dave Markowitz...

“I am forever grateful for Dave’s compassion, humor, and masterful intuitive healing skills.”

I have released a lot of emotional pain that had been stored in my body from past traumas and family dynamics. I’m now in a much better healing space. I’m happier and more compassionate towards myself, my family, and others. Not only do I applaud Dave’s healing work, I also realize that I’ve been misled by so many spiritual teachers and healers who have too easily bypassed this most important shadow-work process. I am forever grateful for Dave’s compassion, humor, and masterful intuitive healing skills.
Chi, San Francisco Bay Area, California

“Words cannot effectively convey the massive energy shift that I have had since working with Dave Markowitz.”

Words cannot effectively convey the massive energy shift that I have had since working with Dave Markowitz. You see testimonials and sometimes you wonder if they’re real. One thing for sure is that Dave has the most incredible gift. For me, there was no instant magic-wand effect, but a gradual shifting of energy within me. I highly recommend working with Dave in any capacity. His gift of providing a deep, calm, and safe space, allowing you to access and process your inner depths, is incredibly powerful and deeply healing.
Sarah Green, The Mindset Warrior

“I have experienced deep emotional healing as well as states of consciousness that have been truly transcendent for me.”

I’ve been living with chronic fatigue for about 20 years. Even though I’ve spent decades on my healing journey, I was still not grasping the immense impact that my empathic nature was having on my health. Using Dave’s methods, I’ve experienced in a very visceral way how important and uplifting it is to release energies I’ve been holding that are not mine, as well as bringing healing to my inner child. Dave’s course isn’t just about learning knowledge or methods, it’s about actually experiencing direct, felt healing during or as a result of each and every session. During this course and since, I have experienced deep emotional healing as well as states of consciousness that have been truly transcendent for me. I feel less separated from, more connected to, and more love from and for life. After countless years of seeking, this course has finally given me a direct path to physical healing and self-realization. I am so grateful to have been a part of this course and highly recommend it.
Carmen, Asheville, North Carolina

“Dave’s safe container that he holds for his clients feels like homecoming.”

For those of us who have grown weary of the self-improvement project, Dave’s safe container that he holds for his clients feels like homecoming. With his soothing voice and his gentle and compassionate guidance, I felt that nothing on the emotional spectrum was unwanted, and I felt free to explore what lies beneath.
GB, Berlin, Germany

“I have been working with Dave for more than a year, and the experience has been transformational!”

I have been working with Dave for more than a year, and the experience has been transformational! The way he frames each session is always illuminating, and his ability to channel amazing energy from Source is outstanding. Dave is undoubtedly the real thing.
Dr. David Ostwald, San Francisco, California

“I have found Dave to be remarkable.”

I have found Dave to be remarkable. He helps educate people on their trauma and what doesn’t belong to them. His soft-spoken voice immediately put me at ease upon my first session with him. He channels a profound wisdom that makes you want to know more. In my years of working in healthcare with different types of integrative medicine approaches, Dave exemplifies how healing occurs from the inside out.
Diana Previs, advocate for wellness

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dave Markowitz

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from intuitive healing facilitator Dave Markowitz from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to align your innate sensitivity with the tools that are best suited for all facets of your wellbeing.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Skilled Empath Bonus Collection
  • Dave’s Raves: Most Popular Talks
    Series of 4 Sessions From the Shift Summit Library
  • Excerpt From Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons
    PDF Chapter From the Book by Dave Markowitz
  • Group Healing Session
    Session With Dave Markowitz

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Skilled Empath Online Training

We feel honored that Dave Markowitz has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an intuitive healing facilitator whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about clearing, opening, and aligning your energy to prevent overload and move beyond challenges that come with innate sensitivity, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Skilled Empath or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Dave Markowitz...

“[Dave] is amazing; I highly recommend him.”

Dave is a gift (to all of us) from God. He has such a simple and clear understanding of the universe and energy and how it relates to all of us. He has helped me, members of my family, and even my dog! He is also a gifted speaker and author. What more is there to say? He is amazing; I highly recommend him.
Lisa Mueller, executive director at Celebrity Entertainment Corp, greater New York City area

“Dave Markowitz has a compassionate desire to share his healing methods.”

Dave Markowitz has a compassionate desire to share his healing methods. I learned that it is within all of us to heal ourselves, and how important it is for us to tap into the power to do that.
Robyn Hatcher, owner of SpeakEtc., a presentation and communication skills training company, New York City

“[Dave’s] book opens us up to a whole different way of looking at healing pain and illness.”

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dave on WomanTalk Live Radio. His book opens us up to a whole different way of looking at healing pain and illness. Learning what repressed emotions do to us when we hold on to them, how important it is to release them, and learning how to do so is a huge gift we can give ourselves to help us finally get out of our own way so that we can live a loving, fulfilled life.
Ann Quasman, host, WomanTalk Live Radio, Baltimore

“[Dave’s] approach to healing is both innovative and effective, and his book is groundbreaking.”

I began co-leading Six Sensory New York, and I was happy to invite Dave to speak. As always, he delivered: a packed house; his characteristic funny, warm and humble way of teaching a fascinated audience about a new way of healing; on-the-spot healing demonstrations; and sold-out books. He is always our most popular speaker, with the highest percentage of attendees either buying a book or booking a private session, typically both. His approach to healing is both innovative and effective, and his book is groundbreaking. He has a proven track record as a wonderful and experienced speaker and healer, and is well-known in the mind-body-spirit community.
Susan Lander, author of Conversations with History

“Mr. Markowitz is indeed well-placed on the cutting edge of his field.”

Mr. Markowitz is indeed well-placed on the cutting edge of his field. ​His insights synthesize newer and more meaningful depths and impart far more enlightened information than we think we deserve. I recommend you to use Mr. Markowitz's talents wisely as he will provide an extra dimension to your day.
S.J. Benjamin, editor, New York City

About Dave Markowitz

Dave Markowitz helps empaths and highly sensitive persons (HSPs) heal the deepest, causative layers of their pain, illness, and blockages. His books include Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons and Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives and Healers.

Dave helps his clients reveal their buried emotions, bringing them to the surface to begin the healing process. Using specific tools and techniques designed for empaths and HSPs, he takes them through the necessary steps for self-empowerment, teaching them how to avoid emotional and energetic overwhelm. Dave teaches people to fine-tune their sensitivities for personal growth and healing so they can then better serve the greater whole. His methodology has proven to be helpful on levels not always seen or commonly explored.

His work has been endorsed by Lee Harris, Lynn Andrews, and others, and he has shared the lecture bill with Deepak Chopra. Dave has worked with thousands and had remarkable success. If you've had limited success elsewhere and resonate as empathic or sensitive, these tools can help you get to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Skilled Empath
Dave Markowitz