With Ceremonies and Integration Facilitator,
Spiritual Guide & Founder of Heart Leadership
Dr. Marie Mbouni

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

A Western medical doctor turned shamanic healer guides you through deep, thorough explorations of the Iboga plant spirit from her African homeland and shares how this powerful master plant medicine can guide us in emotional detoxification to cultivate self-acceptance, find inner peace, and heal trauma.

Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love, and the way we make sense of the world.
Dr. Gabor Maté

Sometimes it’s easy to wonder what went wrong with our lives, looking around our world, seeing expressions of popular spirituality playing out on social media feeds in the forms of mantra- and affirmation-laden memes declaring “live your best life ever!”

But how different is your experience when you turn your phone off and the illusion of connection and community is replaced with the world you actually live in?

For many of us who deal with the daily impact of past and/or current trauma, that’s when the walls close in…

Far from living your best life, do you sometimes experience anxiety or fear… guilt, shame, or self-blame… anger, irritability, or mood swings… the desire to withdraw from others… insomnia or nightmares… fatigue… being startled easily… or edginess and agitation?

This is just a short, but potent list of the interruptions to peace and regulation that you’re likely dealing with if you’re suffering from the impact of unresolved trauma often overlooked and underdiagnosed because we all live in a society where trauma has become normalized.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

After decades of being dismissed, psychedelic medicines are becoming more accepted in the mainstream. Researchers are working with psychedelics that provide a new take on mental health conditions and can offer alternatives to address issues of unresolved trauma at a time when so many of us are seeking help.

For trauma (and addiction) in particular, the need for healing is greater than it’s ever been before. And Ibogaine (from a Central African shrub called Tabernanthe Iboga) is one of the most effective tools currently available to those who seek resolution to their suffering given that it can pinpoint trauma within the body and release it.

As a child in Cameroon, Africa, Dr. Marie Mbouni felt a call toward healing. Her journey began with Western medicine. After medical school, she became an anesthesiologist, hoping to bring the peace and healing she felt so called to.

Her drive was relentless and she built a career many would be proud of but inside she felt unfulfilled. She had given up on personal relationships as well as her spiritual health and her mind and body were paying for it. 

Her quest for self-discovery led her to her true calling as a shaman in the Bwiti cultural tradition, energy healer, and mentor to others seeking a similar path to enlightenment. Dr. Marie has been working with Iboga since she was a child beginning with a serendipitous sequence of events that involved her own mother’s health.

Bwiti, loosely translated as “School of Life,” is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced in equatorial Central West Africa for thousands of years. The sacred plant Iboga is central as a sacrament, medicine, and teacher.

“Marie simply radiates love, compassion, and peace in their purest and most authentic forms.”

Marie simply radiates love, compassion, and peace in their purest and most authentic forms. Using her energetic toolkit, her intuitive gifts, and her deep and expansive knowledge of healing modalities, Marie has helped guide me to a level of heightened consciousness and transformation. No two sessions are alike, and words are rarely spoken, as I feel she communicates at the soul level. As she gently peels away the layers, I am repeatedly left with a sense of returning home.
Jo Miller, intuitive life coach, self-love advocate, and manifestation queen


Through this modern window into ancient knowledge, you’ll:

  • Learn the traditional African origin story of Iboga
  • Discover how Iboga can heal through Dr. Marie’s personal testimonial and the current story that science can tell
  • Explore the nature of trauma and how it reoccurs as patterns in life
  • Understand the depths and complexity of our society’s trauma matrix, with mental health disorders as one of the leading causes of disability in the world
  • Practice being present and tuning in to your senses as a sacred gateway through which the plant medicine can speak to you
  • Experience a soul retrieval process with the spirit of Iboga as an ally to reconnect to yourself and Source
  • Understand why Iboga can show you important truths about yourself
  • Refine your sense of the internal state of your body so it can become a gateway for connection to your Self and Source
  • Learn the power of community and celebration in the healing process
  • Step fully onto the path of becoming a well ancestor of your own future
  • Learn how to heal your relationships with the teachings of Iboga
  • And much more!

Dr. Marie is now widely sought after as a consultant and facilitator of sacred ceremonies with a variety of plant medicines, a psychedelic integration coach, and a microdosing coach.

Dr. Marie is a proponent of the plant and has a lot to teach us in the West, sparked by her own experience AND the scientific studies that have been conducted with Ibogaine and addiction. The science generally suggests that Ibogaine consumption is associated with reductions in opioid use including complete abstinence and has long-term positive psychological outcomes.

So, what can Iboga teach us about trauma, even if we never consume it directly? That is what Dr. Marie will show you in this unique exploration into the history, mystery, and science of this largely untapped resource in the conversation about psychedelic medicine. You’ll commune with the plant spirit of Iboga as Dr. Marie brings in the essence of the great continent of Africa itself.

Mental health disorders are one of the leading causes of disability in the world, affecting over a billion people, comprising a true crisis of “Deaths of Despair” DoD with a significant loss of social cohesion, an extreme increase in isolation, and a disconnection from society which extend across racial, ethnic, and gender groups, as well as geographic locations.

The global pandemic exacerbated these systemic failures. Excess mortality and morbidity from suicide, drug overdose, and alcoholism abound.

We owe it not only to ourselves to investigate and integrate what’s possible from this plant medicine but also to the world, to raise awareness of this opportunity to help so many who are suffering in our world today.


What Is Iboga?


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational healing intensive, Dr. Marie will guide you through deep and thorough explorations of the Iboga plant spirit from her African homeland and how this powerful master plant medicine can heal the trauma that impacts so many in our world today.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Marie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to liberate yourself from anxiety and fear… guilt, shame, and self-blame… anger, irritability, and the desire to withdraw from others… and much more.

Module 1: Discover Iboga & How It Helps You Heal From Trauma With New Clarity to Give You Hope


We start with the question: What is trauma? You’ll explore how it shows up in your life when you don’t even realize how it’s driving certain patterns, creating self-fulfilling prophecies, and enabling new traumas and illnesses to occur. Dr. Marie will recount her first encounter with Iboga medicine as a girl of 14 when she witnessed how it helped her mother heal from cancer. She’ll then dive into the mythic ancient world of the Missoko Bwiti and the Bobongo ancestors of Africa, sharing a love story of coevolution the origin story of Iboga called The Tree of Life and the Fruit of Knowledge.

And you’ll experience and learn a process to regulate your nervous system on the spot to reduce stress and anxiety by cultivating a sense of belonging in your nervous system and a sense of safety in your body.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the traditional African origin story of Iboga
  • Discover how Iboga can heal through Dr. Marie’s personal testimonial and the current story that science can tell
  • Explore the nature of trauma and how it reoccurs as patterns in life
  • Understand the depths and complexity of our society’s trauma matrix, with mental health disorders as one of the leading causes of disability in the world
  • Learn how to regulate your nervous system for a sense of release and of heaviness leaving your body enabling you to receive clarity, relaxation, hope, confidence, and a sense of peace within

Module 2: Become Present to Your Senses for Embodied Preparation of Healing Trauma


Trauma convinces you that you’re all alone and nobody cares about you and many who’ve been traumatized have a sense of being dissociated and lost, with parts of themselves being trapped, fragmented, and dispersed to the farthest reaches of their inner space. And your greatest obstacle in finding and retrieving these multitudinous drops of You is… noise.

Stillness is the new luxury. You can’t hear the Spirit within when you’re surrounded by noise. The instruments that are used in Bwiti are designed to get us into an altered/open state in order to receive. 

In this deep and centering module, you’ll cultivate reverence for the present moment so you can move through the inward and outward distractions that pull you away from the space where you can be you, connect, and have silence. Then… the plant medicine can speak to you. 

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore how trauma can take you out of your own life driving the need to reclaim parts of yourself you lost or abandoned through trauma
  • Understand how Iboga, acting as a sentient teacher, instructs that trauma doesn’t allow you to be present and you’ll hear Dr. Marie’s story of how Iboga taught her about presence
  • Practice being present and tuning in to your senses as a sacred gateway through which the plant medicine can speak to you
  • Explore the benefits of music to help you reconnect to your sense of hearing while experiencing stillness
  • Experience a soul retrieval process with the Spirit of Iboga as an ally to reconnect to yourself and Source

Module 3: Discover the Neurobiological Effects of Iboga for Self-Acceptance to Reclaim Your Power to Choose


Trauma creates an imprint on our nervous system from an intense and overwhelming negative experience to which we were unable to properly respond emotionally, physically, and/or psychologically. This leads to psychological rigidity and can put you out of touch with reality potentially feeling trapped within your mind and unable to escape negative, ruminative thought loops. Negative beliefs about yourself can persist even with conflicting supportive feedback from people in your life who care about you.

The antidote to psychological rigidity is psychological flexibility. In this module, you’ll explore the effects that Iboga can induce psychologically, and in the physical brain for healing and lasting change… becoming more self-aware and experiencing more self-acceptance… and reclaiming the power of choice.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how Iboga disrupts the brain activity in the default mode network to heal the emotional, physical, and psychological effects of trauma
  • Learn how Iboga works in the brain as an antidote to psychological rigidity and what it teaches about the power of choice
  • Understand why Iboga is able to show you important truths about yourself
  • Explore the difference between placebo effect and the actual energetic effect that is proper to Iboga’s psychedelic interface
  • Experience a guided future-self activation meditation and healing session

Module 4: Explore the Elements of an Iboga Ceremony to Purge Your False Beliefs & Rewrite Your Life Story With Truth


In this deepening module, we’ll dive into forming a real understanding of the experience of the Iboga journey. You’ll learn about the Iboga “life review” where you face your fears in a way that can catalyze massive life changes and interrupt self-destructive patterns. During the Iboga ceremony, visions have a unique nature and everything shown is significant.

Our traumas sometimes make us avoid or hide from the truth or even lie to ourselves. Iboga teaches us how to build a relationship with the parts that are beckoning us for acknowledgment and let go of what is not the real you.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Refine your sense of the internal state of your body so it can become a gateway for connection to your Self and Source
  • Reimagine and rewrite your life story becoming a co-creator of your own healing
  • Explore how Iboga helps you discover and accept your truth
  • Discover your unique wheel of inner truth
  • Experience a vortex-alignment guided healing session an energetic invitation to make the choice to align with the Truth within; all of the beauty, all of the love, and all of the joy that is available to you, as you make the choice to step into whatever timeline you most align with

Module 5: Discover Traditional Uses of Iboga & Multidimensional Healing for Trusting Your True Self to Release Burdens


As we continue our journey, you’ll come to understand the true purpose of Iboga, which is furthering the evolution of humanity through spiritual initiation and physical healing. Traditional wisdom and Indigenous cultures understand that healing does not happen in a vacuum. In this module, you’ll travel (virtually) to the land of Africa and learn about Iboga’s habitat discovering the history and the lineage of the medicine and connecting to its complex and yet sensitive nature.

Many of us are deeply sensitive and are holding onto trauma that isn't even ours. We also have genetic and spiritual imprints of trauma in our family lines. This is something we've all inherited and it's each of our chance to acknowledge, heal, and release it for our collective happiness and for future generations. We can experience the benefits of community celebrations and ceremonies, as well as communication with nature and nature spirits. Go to the past (or future) life journey and begin this healing process for yourself!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Understand the power of decluttering your energy and spirit as well as bringing balance to your entire life
  • Discover the importance of safety in our practices and ways of being
  • Learn the power of community and celebration in the healing process
  • Understand spiritual and psychological dangers when you’re on a healing path
  • Experience a timeline, ancestral, and generational healing journey

Module 6: Merge Ancient Sacred Technologies of Iboga With the Modern World for a Joyful, Fulfilling Life


As we move in our modern world, we can benefit from the wisdom of the ancients and we, in turn, can become the well ancestors of the future. In this module, you’ll be introduced to the Bwiti way, which is a tradition not a religion based in Central West Africa: Gabon, Cameroon, and Republic of Congo, and composed of three distinct branches: Dissumba, Missoko, Fang.

You’ll take a journey into the temple walls where sacred ceremonies and rituals take place exploring how the teachings of Bwiti (which are non-dogmatic in nature and deeply reverent of Universal Truth) can enrich our lives. You’ll dive into deep inquiry to explore the Traditional African uses of the medicine of Iboga and the ways in which learning these ancient technologies from Iboga can benefit the modern world.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Step fully onto the path of becoming a well ancestor of your own future
  • Explore how to honor the sacred walls of your temple (your body) and unlock your 5 superpowers for a joyful and fulfilling life
  • Discover how to become a keeper of your own traditions
  • Learn how ancient technologies received from Iboga can benefit the modern world
  • Experience a guided meditation on the joy and freedom codes to transmute the 5 wounds of the heart

Module 7: Discover the One-Law Ancient Secret of Iboga to Heal Your Soul for Ultimate Self-Love

Love is the most powerful energy for healing and integration.
Dr. Marie Mbouni

The greatest teaching of Iboga is the “One Law,” which is that love is the medicine; love is the teacher. In this module, you’ll unite your heart and intentions to create a pathway for your journey home to your integrated self.

The hallmark of healing trauma is integration and connection. We will together look into the future and plan our lives through soul-aligned creativity becoming vehicles for the divine to flow through us. From that space, your life will start to flow with soul-aligned performance and harmonious relationships.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how to connect deeply with nature and its wisdom
  • Activate your infinite Source potential
  • Learn how to heal your relationships with the teachings of Iboga
  • Explore how to become a student of the master teachings of Love
  • Experience a journey into Embodied Integration stepping into divine neutrality, the All-That-Is, the zero-point connection field within and around you


The Spiritual Healing Lessons From Iboga Bonus Gift

In addition to Marie’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Quantum-Infused, Light-Coded Gratitude Meditation
Audio Recording From Dr. Marie Mbouni

Because gratitude is the most scientifically proven practice for bliss, Dr. Marie always includes it in her teachings and programs. With this recording, you’ll experience a profoundly beautiful gratitude meditation with deep theta healing sounds in the background and the vibrations of Dr. Marie’s amethyst Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl. Whether you’re experienced or new to meditation and sound journeys, Dr. Marie’s intention is to give you a transcendental experience. Each time you experience this journey, you can gain a new understanding and a deeper connection to your higher, multidimensional Source self. Be sure to keep a journal nearby to capture all the insights and messages you receive.


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What People Are Saying About Dr. Marie Mbouni…


Whitney Freya: “What Lies Ahead for You Is Nothing Short of Pure Magic and Inspired Destiny”

Jodie Jaimes: “Marie Is a Beacon of Light, an Embodiment of Love”

Alexis Cohen: “Just Being in Marie's Presence, You Will Heal and Transform”

“Marie is a true one-of-a-kind, deeply soulful, loving healer, shaman, and creatrix of abundance and light.”

Marie is a true one-of-a-kind, deeply soulful, loving healer, shaman, and creatrix of abundance and light. Through her powerful voice and meditative journeys, she brought me back to a place within me to reveal the answers in my heart, to rediscover my own truth. She is a truly gifted guide and teacher, and I am grateful to have found her on my journey of awakening. She can go deep with you and hold your hand throughout the process, helping you move past the blocks, beyond the ego, and into the heart space to commune with the part of yourself that knows. She creates a truly sacred space beyond anything I had ever experienced before. Marie helped me understand myself and my future vision more fully, and for that, I am grateful.
Rochelle F., designer, artist

“I truly believe that Marie possesses the spiritual gift of healing, which is such an appropriate match for her skill as a doctor.”

I truly believe that Marie possesses the spiritual gift of healing, which is such an appropriate match for her skill as a doctor. What sets her apart from other medical professionals, though, is that she has the power to heal the mind, spirit, and body. I am eternally grateful for our encounter.
Dr. Kim Wurshing, surgeon

“This is gifted work, and it is an honor to have been held and coached by Marie in this way during some poignant, transformative moments.”

Marie Mbouni is a truly unique and special soul. Not only is she a doctor of the highest integrity (which is a blessing in itself), she is a truly powerful coach allowing one to access emotional depths that are often difficult to look at and even find. Her approach combines true support of one’s emotions with the ability to hold space and facilitate a true awakening at the same time. This is gifted work, and it is an honor to have been held and coached by Marie in this way during some poignant, transformative moments. I have deep gratitude and love for her work she is a true inspiration, and I highly recommend all of her programs.
Tracie Storey, founder of Elemental Resonance, Qigong teacher, London, England

“[Dr. Marie’s] presence and loving, guiding energy helped me with a profound awakening.”

I recently went through a gigantic soul-growth spurt, and one of the most powerful lessons involved my ability to fully receive. Dr. Marie not only helped open my awareness to some things deeply wanting to emerge in my energy, but then after, we did some private work together with her shamanic healing, and a huge blindspot revealed itself like magic. Her presence and loving, guiding energy helped me with a profound awakening. I'm immensely grateful.
Jen Mavros, hostess of the Modern-Day Spiritual Messenger podcast and The Jen Mavros Show; creator of The Mavros Method of Manifestation


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Marie Mbouni

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of Heart Leadership from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming video option and will guide you through deep explorations of the Iboga plant spirit and how this powerful medicine can heal the trauma that impacts so many in our world today.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Spiritual Healing Lessons From Iboga Bonus Collection
  • Quantum-Infused, Light-Coded Gratitude Meditation
    Audio Recording From Dr. Marie Mbouni

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Spiritual Healing Lessons From Iboga Online Training


We feel honored that Dr. Marie Mbouni has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a spiritual guide and the founder of Heart Leadership whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about investigating and integrating what’s possible with Iboga plant medicine, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Spiritual Healing Lessons From Iboga or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Marie Mbouni…

“Dr. Marie is potent, transformative, and so necessary in the world!”

I have been blessed to experience a profound spiritual journey facilitated by Dr. Marie! She is a powerful healer. Her maternal frequency and loving intention and nurturing allowed me to explore emotions that are typically difficult to access. As a result of this truly magical journey, I have been able to open my heart, and be open to love. Dr. Marie is potent, transformative, and so necessary in the world! 
Keith Ferrazzi, founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, and New York Times bestselling author

“I’d recommend a ceremony with Marie to those I care most deeply for without a second thought.”

Marie is a woman of many gifts. Her strong, confident presence made me feel protected immediately, and her soft, loving energy made me feel instantly cared for. In a one-on-one session, I was able to journey deeply and access areas that dozens of previous ceremonies hadn’t shown me. After our journey, Marie’s wisdom and care allowed me to integrate a challenging journey and apply many teachings. I now view Marie as my teacher and coach. She continues to play a major role in my life and is someone I’m eternally grateful for. I’d recommend a ceremony with Marie to those I care most deeply for without a second thought.
Brandon Evans, CEO and co-founder of 1heart

“[Dr. Marie] is a true spiritual master who can take her clients on a journey well beyond the five senses!”

As a dynamite woman with a big career worldwide, I always found it very challenging to find a spiritual guide capable of creating and holding up an energetic space where I could feel 100% supported, safe, and ministered. Dr. Marie’s profound understanding of our physical and multidimensional aspects was the key element that helped me to go deeper within, thus achieving the inner healing, clarity, and success that I always yearned for. Dr Marie’s work is profound. Her approach is unique. She is a true spiritual master who can take her clients on a journey well beyond the five senses! She became a safe haven to me, and I am proud to be working with her since 2016.
Raquell Menezes, international speaker, author, multidimensional coach, São Paulo, Brazil

“Marie is a ray of positivity here to heal the world and inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.”

Marie is a ray of positivity here to heal the world and inspire us to be the best version of ourselves. Marie’s healing sessions, intuition, and guidance powerfully transform people’s lives. If you are ready to step into your greatness, reclaim your gifts, and say “YES” to more love in your life, I highly recommend working with Marie to make the shift you desire. Get ready to work with a true ambassador of love whose joy is contagious.
Sofiah Thom, CEO of the Temple Body Arts School, Danyasa Eco-Retreat, and Envision Festival in Costa Rica

“When you partner with Marie, you are receiving guidance directly from the Divine.”

Marie Mbouni is anointed. Her healing and shamanic coaching sessions have created such tremendous shifts in my consciousness that I now look at life from an entirely higher vibration. The way she has been able to connect me to my dream self has given me the knowledge that I am exactly aligned with this future self. When you partner with Marie, you are receiving guidance directly from the Divine. Marie, I am so grateful to you!
Whitney Freya, author of three books on personal creativity, including Rise Above, and an expert in inspired living


About Dr. Marie Mbouni

A healer, life coach, author, and speaker, Dr. Marie Mbouni, is the founder of Heart Leadership and the SuperCreator® method. She helps conscious, high-performing business owners, entrepreneurs, evolutionary leaders, creatives, visionaries, and “lightworkerpreneurs” step into their greatness, creativity, magnetic power, and purpose so they can lead from a place of heart-centeredness, deep intuition, and joy. Marie’s insights have been featured on major media outlets including CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX.

Dr. Marie’s work combines the best that Western and Eastern medicine have to offer, melding her lifelong interests in channeling and intuitive healing with 17 years of working as an anesthesiologist while simultaneously earning a master’s degree in public health. Her Eastern roots include time spent as a modern mystic and multidimensional spiritual guide in energy and shamanic healing, as well as certifications in creativity and yoga.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
