Russ Hudson
Jessica Dibb
Explore the Enneagram as a dynamic tool for revealing and evolving the wholeness of who you are, so you can live in full embodied presence with profound self-acceptance and empathy for others — and bring new levels of wellbeing, wisdom, and creativity to your life and relationships.

Many paths of personal growth and spiritual evolution instill in us the desire, the aspiration, to let go of the ego... which some believe to be at the root of human suffering.
In practical terms, however, how can we live in this material world without the ego?
How would we manage the day-to-day activities necessary to maintain our lives and livelihood? How would we accomplish what’s needed to care for ourselves and our loved ones — to ensure that we have food, shelter, and the means to survive... and thrive?
Maybe it’s not about rejecting your ego, but learning to fully accept and understand it, to embrace the uniqueness of your personality... and then use that radical self-understanding as a launching pad into a dynamic process of becoming your most authentic Self.
According to Russ Hudson, celebrated Enneagram scholar, innovative thinker, and teacher, you can cultivate the gifts of your ego as a means to shift into embodied presence, kindness, self-awareness, and true essence...
... and to meet each moment of life — whether joyful or challenging — with wisdom, love, presence, and emergent creativity.
The Enneagram is one of the most profound vehicles for this crucial transformation — and you can join Russ and guest faculty Jessica Dibb on a 8-module journey to explore the true purpose of this powerful system, beyond type and fixated identity — as a dynamic tool for moving from self-rejection to full integration so you can radiate the wholeness of who you are.
They’ll help you cultivate the capacity to sit in your own skin with ease and a sense of empowerment, clarity, groundedness, compassion, and love — for yourself and others.
The Enneagram was initially created not as a means to determine our type, but to provide customized, deeply personal ways for us to approach our psychological development and spiritual growth. It was designed as a gateway to presence in our daily lives and relationships.
In this course, you’ll discover how, when you reject your ego, you’re actually rejecting a part of yourSelf, and suppressing an essential piece of who you are — an aspect of yourself that’s replete with gifts of raw, unconstrained insights and emotions.
Instead, Russ and Jessica will assist you in revealing what you over-identify with, and then cultivating the capacity to be more than that.
(Following this course, Russ will take a break from new teaching projects beyond those already in motion. So this will be your last chance for a while to learn directly from him about his life-changing work with the Enneagram.)
Befriending & Transcending All 9 Types Within You

Each of us has parts of all nine Enneagram types within us. As you come to understand how the various types are manifesting inside you and showing up in your relationships, you’ll develop greater empathy for yourself and those around you... and kindness will flow more easily.
From there, you’ll be better equipped to see the more meaningful, nuanced, even miraculous experiences of your everyday life more clearly — no matter what’s happening in our rapidly changing and sometimes tumultuous world.
Through potent experiential practices and the transmission of profound Enneagram wisdom, Russ and Jessica will open you to the nine distinct qualities within you, working with each of the three centers — body, heart, and mind.
You’ll learn what you can change about yourself, and befriend (rather than reject) what you can’t. And, you’ll claim your authentic Self, rather than who you’ve imagined yourself to be through your (understandable) ego fixation.
They’ll guide you through the core psychological patterns, shadows, and higher qualities of all the types, and help you address your core suffering... igniting your natural, dynamic tendency toward integration.
And you’ll find a way into the deeper mysteries of the heart, where you’ll discover authentic kindness, inherent value, and exquisite sensitivity.
You’ll walk away from this program having experienced how to work with the Enneagram in ways that dissolve patterns of the ego that are fundamentally defensive and reactive — without rejecting any part of yourself — so you can live in your most authentic, essential nature, with the ability to truly inhabit your body.
In this wisdom-filled, highly experiential course, you’ll:
- Gain a deep understanding and visceral embodiment of the Enneagram, not as a point of fixated identity, but as a dynamic tool to reveal the wholeness of who you are, and emerge from the box in which you’ve imprisoned yourself
- Create a custom practice for yourself so you can carry on the work you’ll do in the course
- Explore the paradox of ego within the 3 centers — body, heart, and head
- Learn about the origins, history, and teachings of the Enneagram symbol itself as a much-needed framework for working with the types
- Learn how to dissolve patterns of the ego that are fundamentally defensive and reactive without rejecting any part of yourself, so you can live in your most authentic, essential nature
- Work with your core suffering to ignite your natural, dynamic tendency toward integration
- Learn the core psychological patterns, shadows, and higher qualities of all the types
- Open to all 9 qualities within you, to meet each moment of life — easy or challenging, loss or gain, pain or pleasure — with wisdom, love, presence, and emergent creativity
- Experience the 3 forms of human intelligence through guided processes — body-based kinesthetic intelligence, heart-based emotional intelligence, and head-based cognitive intelligence
- Understand more about what it means to truly inhabit your body — to develop the “felt sense” crucial to the development of the 3 centers
- Find a way into the deeper mysteries of the heart, where you’ll discover authentic kindness, inherent value, and exquisite sensitivity and compassion for yourself and others
- See how your willingness to be present with what you’re feeling here and now expedites and empowers your journey into greater wholeness
- And much more...
This is an outstanding opportunity to learn and benefit from Russ and Jessica’s decades of working with students. You’ll witness your own evolution as Russ shares his extraordinary ability to explore people’s fears, confusion, and misperceptions... and helps them experience life-changing discoveries of truth and greater awareness.
And Jessica will transmit her extraordinary gift of assisting people in holding their tender, vulnerable, hurt, hidden parts... as they unveil their gifts and golden potential.
What You’ll Discover in These 8 Modules
In this 8-part transformational intensive, Russ and Jessica will guide you through the fundamental Enneagram wisdom and practices you’ll need to reveal and evolve the wholeness of who you are, so you can live in full embodied presence with profound self-acceptance and empathy for others.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Russ and Jessica. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to experience the Enneagram as a dynamic tool for revealing and evolving the wholeness of who you are.
Module 1: Rediscovering the True Purpose of the Enneagram — From Fixated Identity to Dynamic Realization

In this opening module, you’ll explore how the original purpose of the Enneagram was not merely to “type” people, but to provide customized and personal approaches to psychological development and spiritual growth.
Russ will walk you through the different aspects of the Enneagram symbol, and share how the symbol itself invites you to think outside the box and beyond rigid categories... and shows you how to be more present with the continual dynamism of your personal and collective life.
You’ll learn how each type describes a specific spiritual capacity, and how that capacity can also become your primary way of losing your direct sense of awareness.
In this session with Russ, you’ll discover:
- How the Enneagram is fundamentally a tool to actualize your ability to be present in your life and relationships
- How awakened consciousness is not transcendence of the human condition, but rather a journey to becoming more authentic in your humanity
- The origins, history, and teachings of the Enneagram symbol as a much-needed framework for working with the 9 types
- The variety of ways that presence can be experienced, and how the Enneagram helps you locate these deeper experiences in the midst of your everyday life
- How to dissolve patterns of the ego that are fundamentally defensive in nature without rejecting any part of your Self
Module 2: Embracing Your Human Experiences to Cultivate Awakened Action

Our egoic consciousness has roots in the three forms of human intelligence — body-based kinesthetic intelligence, heart-based emotional intelligence, and head-based cognitive intelligence. Each of these intelligences, also called centers, can be used either to sustain our ego patterns or, through presence with that center, support the growth of what’s most real in us — our essential nature.
In this module with Russ, you’ll explore how body intelligence can function to sustain ego identity through tension, resistance, numbness, and habitual movement patterns. Or, how it can become the foundation of the felt-sense of Self — the basis of an awakened humanity in us.
Being present to this relationship between these processes can shift you from physical contraction, defensiveness, and rigidity to aliveness, participation, and right action. In this module, Russ will walk you through what the journey from self-rejection to self-acceptance looks like in the body center, with points 8, 9, and 1 in all of us. And, you’ll learn how the core suffering creates a shadow.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn the core psychological patterns of points 8, 9, and 1
- Understand more about what it means to truly inhabit your body — to develop the felt sense crucial to the development of the centers
- Gain inspiring insight into the higher qualities of points 8, 9, and 1
- Discover how the core suffering represented by types 8, 9, and 1 creates particular shadow issues that result in rejecting critical aspects of ourselves
- Experience how the conscious decision to work with your core suffering ignites your natural, dynamic tendencies toward integration
Module 3: Healing & Holding Your Human Emotions & Cultivating the Capacities of the Deeper Awakened Heart

In this module, Jessica will focus on working with the emotional center and explore some of its deeper aspects. You’ll learn how the various states of feeling can function to sustain ego identity through reactivity, identification with moods, attachments to likes and dislikes, and shame-based notions of Self and love. Or, how each feeling can serve as a way into the deeper mysteries of the heart where you’ll discover authentic kindness, inherent value, and exquisite sensitivity to yourself and others.
Rather than the Enneagram serving as an overlay of fixated identity, you can center your work in this dynamic process to assist your self-healing, self-development, and self-actualization.
In this session, Jessica will walk you through what the journey from self-rejection to self-acceptance looks like in the heart center, with points 2, 3, and 4 in all of us.
You’ll discover:
- The core psychological patterns of points 2, 3, and 4
- The egoic paradox in the heart center— and how to relax the ego’s emotional reactions and attachments
- Inspiring insight into the higher qualities of points 2, 3, and 4
- How the core suffering of types 2, 3, and 4 creates a particular shadow issue that rejects critical aspects of ourselves
- How your willingness to be with what you’re feeling here and now expedites and empowers your journey into greater wholeness
Module 4: Living Guidance for Personal Transformation & Awakened Living — Part 1

Applying and integrating clear understanding into the unique experiences, stories, and patterns of your life can have an exponential impact on your transformative journey. Though there are nine temperaments and types, and nine essential qualities, every human being is differentiated by a multiplicity of factors — particularly our life experiences.
In this session of extended Q&A, student sharing, and mentoring with Jessica, you’ll have an opportunity to attune your individual path to transformation.
As a result of Jessica’s devotion to living and teaching from the true orientation and purpose of the Enneagram, she’ll bring creative brilliance and innovation to your learning and inner work. And, with her unparalleled capacity to attune to and hold people’s emotions, needs, yearnings, and gifts... she’ll support you as you relax your heart, hold your suffering with compassion, recognize and potentiate your gifts, and access the deeper qualities and capacities of your heart.
In this module, you’ll have a chance to:
- Experience living applications of Enneagram wisdom to affect and evolve your individual and collective humanity and potential through extended Q&A, dialogues, and guided exercises and practices
- Engage in a practice of awakening each of the centers and integrating them
- Share your awareness of your patterns as well as challenging life situations and relationships
Module 5: Discovering the Qualities of Higher Mind

In this module with Russ, you’ll engage with the intellectual center and learn some of its deeper aspects.
You’ll look at how the various patterns of thinking and perceiving can function to sustain ego identity through distraction, detachment, dissociation, and ongoing inner chatter. Or, how they can serve as a way into your true mind, where you’ll discover clarity, inner guidance, and vision.
By locating your sense of inner quiet and focus, you can find a joyful inner freedom and a capacity to direct and focus your attention as needed — which is crucial in our rapidly changing world and in the challenges ahead.
In this session, you’ll explore what the journey from self-rejection to self-acceptance looks like in the head center, with points 5, 6, and 7 in all of us.
You’ll understand:
- The core psychological patterns of points 5, 6, and 7
- The relationship between your deeper mind, your ability to actually think clearly, and typical mind chatter
- More deeply the higher qualities of points 5, 6, and 7
- How the core suffering of types 5, 6, and 7 create a particular shadow issue that rejects critical aspects of yourself
- That recognizing the actual truth of your situation ignites your natural, dynamic tendencies toward integration
Module 6: Living Guidance for Personal Transformation & Awakened Living — Part 2

In this session of extended Q&A, student sharing, and mentoring with Russ, you’ll have an opportunity to attune your individual path to transformation.
As a result of Russ’ decades of experience with students and a constantly growing compassion for each of the types, he has a prodigious capacity to perceive and articulate the connections and truths of each aspect of the Enneagram — expressing the most esoteric of principles in accessible and inspiring ways.
His ability to connect the nuance and expansiveness of the teachings with the human experience will help you relax any fear-based perceptions and allow your mind to open to generating new behaviors... so you can see yourself, your relationships, and the world with greater awareness.
In this module, you’ll have an opportunity to:
- Experience living applications of Enneagram wisdom to affect and evolve your individual and collective humanity and potential through extended Q&A, dialogues, and guided exercises and practices
- Engage in a practice of awakening each of the centers and integrating them
- Share your awareness of your patterns and challenging life situations and relationships
Module 7: Knowing, Embracing & Experiencing Your Whole Integrated Potential — An Experiential Journey Into All 9 Energies Within You

When you understand your fixations, the corresponding habits of attention, and addictive patterns that limit your life force and impede your potential, you gain the grounded courage and awareness necessary to enable behavioral changes and inner transformation.
And when you can experience the felt sense of life force and self-acceptance in your body, and you can support your heart’s appreciation and care for this new level of intimacy with yourself and life, a new order of wholeness, integration, and awakening transpires.
Integrated, 3-centered experiences of relaxing ego fixation frees your life force to embrace and nourish the capacities of all nine expressions of presence within you. The more open you become to all nine qualities, the more you can meet each moment of life — easy or challenging, loss or gain, pain or pleasure — with wisdom, love, presence, and emergent creativity.
In this highly experiential session with Jessica, you’ll:
- Engage in practices that open a felt sense, attunement, and care for all 9 qualities in yourself... including working with 9 breathing patterns, sensation and movement, inner inquiry, and meditative journeys
- Be guided through practices that assist you in meeting your core suffering with compassion, depth, and clarity
- Experience the intrinsic interconnectedness of all 9 essential qualities in yourself, to deepen self-acceptance and contact with your authentic self... rather than who you’ve imagined yourself to be through your ego fixation
- Deepen your compassion, understanding, and appreciation for the fears, shadows, and strengths of others
Module 8: Guidance for Your Ongoing Journey — Experiential Clarity & Suggested Practices for Your Path

When we study the Enneagram, we learn that we unconsciously “split” ourselves. We divide ourselves into light and shadow... into an either/or perspective.
By this time, however, you’ll likely perceive your own life from the perspective of the Law of Three.
In this final session, Russ will guide you as you look at some of the prevailing paradoxes in your life — internal and external, self-care and serving others, ego and essence — and see how they pertain to your own very particular and personal journey.
Russ will help you:
- Explore some of the key splits in your life — the paradoxes— at a whole new level
- Engage in illuminating inquiry practices for the 3 centers — body, heart, and head
- Discover more ways to embody the 3 centers in everyday action
- Learn more ways to interrupt self-rejecting behaviors and build self-acceptance
- Create a practice for yourself to carry on the work you’ve done in the course
The Enneagram Bonus Collection
In addition to Russ and Jessica’s transformative 8-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Taking It to the Streets: Making an Impact With the Enneagram
Video Dialogue With Lila Johnson, Susan Olesek, and Chuck Stubblefield

This video interview with Lila Johnson, The Shift Network’s Senior Impact Program Manager, Susan Olesek, Enneagram teacher and founder of the Enneagram Prison Project, and Chuck Stubblefield, Enneagram Prison Project Ambassador, explores Susan and Chuck’s impact work. Susan found clarity, tools, insights, and possibility in the Enneagram, and started sharing them with prison inmates in a pilot project, which has now reached thousands of people and is still growing. Listen in to discover how harnessing your passion in service of others can help you cultivate true connection, as you strive to help transform the lives of others.
Conversations on the Enneagram as a Tool for Actualizing Our Authentic Humanity
2-Part Video Dialogue Series: Russ Hudson With Cheryl Richardson and Jessica Dibb With Robert Holden

In two honest and intimate conversations, Russ and Jessica join with beloved thought leaders Cheryl Richardson and Robert Holden to discuss how the Enneagram has helped people in their personal growth and development. They share how knowledge of your personality helps you become more present... and how being present helps you understand your personality. You’ll discover why the Enneagram can help you resolve the apparent divide between your inner development and your functionality in life, and learn approaches to healing the split between your spirituality and your humanity.
Everything Flows Into Everything: Dynamic Arrows of Energy for Self & Others
Audio Teaching From Jessica Dibb

The Enneagram is a brilliant, precise, and grounding map that provides us with infinite possibilities for change. It offers stabilizing principles of dynamism for human development and growth, and guides us into boundless dimensions with all its mystery and possibilities. In this powerful teaching, Jessica shares about the Law of Three and the Law of Seven. She explores the arrows and pathways of energy and dynamism that connect the points on the Enneagram and guide us to cultivate a healthy Self, awakening, and presence. She also shows how these pathways of dynamism can help you cultivate connection and intimacy within liberating co-creative relationships.
3 Centers Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

Your orientation to life and each moment is profoundly impacted by your ability to be present in each of the three centers — body, heart, and head. In this heart-opening session, you’ll be guided through a potent meditation that cultivates awareness and consciousness in each center and honors various gifts and capacities. As you learn to do this and to increase the communication and integration of the centers, the strengths of your type can function more radiantly — unimpeded by unconscious habits and reactions. Your gifts become infused with greater vibrancy, better enabling you to creatively participate in, and contribute to, reality.
What Graduates of Russ and Jessica’s Courses Are Saying...

— Beth Ronsick: “I Grew So Much, and I Grew Up a Lot”
— Emily McCay: “Jessica and Russ Have Both the Capacity and the Authentic Desire to Facilitate an Evolution in Human Consciousness”
— Ellen Sagmyr: “I Appreciate Russ Hudson’s Radical Candor”
— Walker Bass: “Russ Hudson Provides Valuable Relationship Tools”
“Russ is a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much!”
Russ is a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much! I love the experiential practices particularly with the heart! I’m a 4 and it helped with learning to send love and not engage with being withdrawn into feelings! Awesome inner child work!!
— Lisa Stewart, Cookeville, Tennessee
“Jessica Dibb’s breathwork practices were a great gift to the course.”
I benefited from the holistic approach to the Enneagram. The background history was helpful in the first unit. I liked the focus on integrating the three centers. Russ Hudson is a terrific spiritual teacher. His depth of knowledge and authenticity shine in his teaching. Jessica Dibb’s breathwork practices were a great gift to the course.
— Joan Murray, Falmouth, Maine
“Russ is such a great teacher; his knowledge is deep and heartfelt.”
I have absolutely loved this course, Russ is such a great teacher; his knowledge is deep and heartfelt. I will be revisiting the recordings many times as I absorb the wisdom and the warmth of the content.
— Sue, United Kingdom
“Russ and Jessica are both inspirational.”
For me this course has been an absolute gift. Russ and Jessica are both inspirational. It’s not only their teaching, but for me they both shine through as living examples of that teaching — “presence” personified, if you like. I started off knowing virtually nothing about the Enneagram, and now having done the course I just want more and more of it. There’s already been the tiniest glimpse of change and growth, and there’s a realisation that through practice the possibilities are endless. Thank you for an unmissable experience.
— Angie, Manchester, United Kingdom
“There is so much richness in the course content, both in terms of the lectures by Russ and also the practical sessions with Jessica.”
Although relatively new to the Enneagram, I was very attracted by the free webinar given by Russ about this course and felt drawn to sign up for it. I am so glad I did! I have got so much more from the program than I could have hoped for. There is so much richness in the course content, both in terms of the lectures by Russ and also the practical sessions with Jessica. Also, the Deepening Practices provided each week have been invaluable in my own development in this area. I can’t wait to continue my exploration of what is opening up to me. My heartfelt thanks to Russ and Jessica for all that they have shared.
— Ann, Leeds, England
“Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb teach with humility, kindness, and wisdom, drawing on considerable depth and breadth of knowledge...”
Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb teach with humility, kindness, and wisdom, drawing on considerable depth and breadth of knowledge presented with clear focus on the learning goals of each session. The combination of lecture and practice input and deepening exercises for each week opened for me a new quality of inner presence and insight. This shift is transforming my vision of availability for service in the soul work calling in and for our world at this time.
— Luisa, Bethesda, Maryland
“This course with Russ Hudson was exceptional.”
The courses and summits that I have attended at The Shift Network have all been amazing and transformative. This course with Russ Hudson was exceptional. I love Russ’ gentle way. His passion for the subject was evident throughout the entire course. The depth of his knowledge and experience led me to a deeper knowledge of the historical origins and helped further my understanding of the spiritual connections to my own faith. I feel a renewed energy for my own spiritual growth path and look forward to taking other classes offered by this amazing community! I would encourage anyone who seeks deeper knowledge of themselves and/or their connection to unity or the world to explore the offerings of The Shift Network as part of their journey! They will not disappoint.
— Karen Weires, Henderson, Nevada
“Russ conveys his teachings with a rare insight and clarity.”
I now have more awareness of where I am and what I’m doing and being in that moment with Presence. Russ conveys his teachings with a rare insight and clarity. I have done courses and retreats with him over the last seven years, and am so blessed and grateful to have the Enneagram in my life. The Shift Network has been a brilliant and well-run platform for the courses..
— Carmel, United Kingdom
“Thank you, Russ and Jessica, for illuminating my journey.”
This course helped me continue my journey with myself, and the relational orientation of myself to the world and those intimates in my life. The piece that held the greatest connection for me was “The Dream.” I was drawn into the poem to a very vulnerable place. It was like Jessica was pulling from me my soul as she recited. “Walking on the sands I decided to leave you” was when my ego chose the path of my life, and the real me was left behind. The poem goes on to describe the struggle to get back to myself, and ends with me finding myself again and becoming one, which is what I am starting to experience in the here and now. Thank you, Russ and Jessica, for illuminating my journey.
— Shawna, Calgary, Canada
“As always, Russ and Jessica have given us so much in a very graceful way.”
As always, Russ and Jessica have given us so much in a very graceful way. Can’t wait for your next course.
— Sari Heiskanen, Finland
Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eight 90-Minute Class Sessions With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb
Experience a unique opportunity to learn from renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific practices and skills necessary to use the Enneagram as a dynamic tool for revealing and evolving the wholeness of who you are, so you can live with profound self-acceptance and empathy for others.

Eight Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Enneagram Bonus Collection
- Taking It to the Streets: Making an Impact with The Enneagram
Video Dialogue With Lila Johnson, Susan Olesek, and Chuck Stubblefield - Conversations on the Enneagram as a Tool for Actualizing Our Authentic Humanity
2-Part Video Dialogue Series: Russ Hudson With Cheryl Richardson and Jessica Dibb With Robert Holden - Everything Flows Into Everything: Dynamic Arrows of Energy for Self & Others
Audio Teaching From Jessica Dibb - 3 Centers Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Unlock the Power of the Enneagram for Radical Self-Acceptance & Spiritual Evolution Online Training
We feel honored that Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb have chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from renowned Enneagram teachers whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about living in full embodied presence with profound self-acceptance and empathy for others, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Unlock the Power of the Enneagram for Radical Self-Acceptance & Spiritual Evolution — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.
More Praise for Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb...

“A compassionate, warm-hearted, and steady stance...”
Jessica Dibb brings to the work of personal development a compassionate, warm-hearted, and steady stance that makes it possible for her to benefit us with her deep knowledge, and her moving and life-enhancing experiential exercises. Her insight and awareness also foster her outstanding work. You can count on Jessica to contribute significantly to your life and wellbeing. I recommend her without reservation.
— David Daniels, MD, co-founder of the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT)

“... his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life”
Russ Hudson is a gifted teacher and wise scholar who offers some of the deepest and most comprehensive understanding of the transformative power of the Enneagram. By helping me to become aware of the habitual patterns of thinking and acting that keep me a prisoner of my personality, his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life. The Enneagram is complex and multi-dimensional, and I always look forward to hearing more from Russ about the unfolding nature of his beautiful work.
— Cheryl Richardson, author of Waking Up in Winter: In Search of What Really Matters at Midlife
“Puzzles that I had been pondering for years... were resolved...”
With Jessica and Russ’ expert holding of the space, I was able to grasp what happens to pull me away from my experience of presence, as well as the operation of all of the nine Enneagram energies in me. Puzzles that I had been pondering for years about my relationship to receiving were resolved, as I experienced the energy of my “missing piece.” The term “life-changing” is used a lot, I know. But I can’t think of another one that more accurately describes my experience.
— Ann Kirby, RH Certified Teacher, EnnCourage, Inc.
“Jessica and the Inspiration process were, and continue to be an integral part of my spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing...”
Jessica and the Inspiration process were, and continue to be, an integral part of my spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing — with many tools to create safety and heighten awareness of self, of creator, and of interfaith connections. I am so blessed to have Jessica as a major teacher and mentor in my life. The people I have met through the many classes I have taken are exceptional and spiritual warriors, who have the power to create Shalom, Salaam, Namaste, and Peace in this world. The breath is the baseline for life and for healing, and this tool has transformed my life. Thanks a million times and many lifetimes for this healing.
— Shoshana Shamberg
“Russ is a master...”
Russ is a master in the Enneagram and in heartfelt understanding, respect, and kindness to fellow beings. In his presence, something pure inside gets awakened.
— Sajili, Mumbai, India
“Jessica Dibb is unique...”
Jessica Dibb is unique because she embraces an integrated, psychospiritual approach that proactively helps students become aware of their habits (and/or unconscious patterning) and provides multiple methodologies to help build their self-realization. These strategies range from exercise and movement to intimate dialogue, and from deconstructing core wounds to laugh therapy. It’s all grist for the mill of expanding consciousness, gracious, and loving relational interdependence, and a spiritually expanded perspective.
— Pat Waddell
About Russ Hudson

Russ Hudson has established himself over the past three decades as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram personality typology in the world today. Actively involved in the Enneagram community, Russ is co-founder and president emeritus of The Enneagram Institute, as well as a founding director and former vice president of the International Enneagram Association. He's been writing and teaching full time with The Enneagram Institute since 1991.
Russ has co-authored five bestselling books with Don Richard Riso, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. These books are widely considered to be not only groundbreaking contributions in the field of Enneagram studies, but also important contributions to the literature of psychological types. The pair developed a scientifically validated test instrument, the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI), now considered a standard test in the Enneagram field. The RHETI has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Russ has a solid background in science, as well as in studies of philosophy and religion. He approaches his work with the Enneagram holding both perspectives. He originally encountered the Enneagram through The Gurdjieff Work, and sees it as a map for personal development and awareness rather than merely as a system for categorizing people. He has emphasized the importance of cultivating presence and mindfulness as a foundation for authentic work with the Enneagram, and has worked diligently to align the study of the Enneagram to spiritual practice, bringing their combined benefit into greater public awareness.
Russ has appeared on Good Morning America and The CBS Morning Show, as well as on several dozen radio and television shows, as an expert on personality types. He has become a popular speaker at conferences and retreat centers around the world, including the Esalen Institute, the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, and the Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND).
About Jessica Dibb

Jessica Dibb is the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at Inspiration Consciousness School and Community, which is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. For over 25 years she has designed and facilitated workshops, classes, and ongoing breath-centered trainings that are grounded in an integrated model of psychospiritual healing and development to support self-actualization.
Jessica’s teachings assist people in cultivating consciousness through all stages of life. Using integrative breathwork, psychodynamic principles, movement, meditation, expressive modalities, the Enneagram, and many other established and emergent wisdom teachings, she facilitates embodied awareness of each moment.
Jessica has taught integrative breathwork at the Psychotherapy Networker Conference for over a decade, and has presented at the International Enneagram Conference for the past 20 years. She co-directs the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA), and is the current chair of the GPBA’s Ethics Committee.
Jessica founded and hosts the annual Enneagram Global Summit, co-hosted the Breathwork Summit in 2012 and 2020, and was the weaver and visionary behind the innovative conference Breath Immersion: From Science to Samadhi, at Omega Institute and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Jessica, who initiated understanding of the "unified breath field," is writing a book on integrating breathwork into psychotherapy.
Jessica’s a founding board member of Convergence, a nonprofit organization working to promote dialogue and innovative solutions for challenging social issues of our time. She was an advisor to the U.S.-Muslim Engagement Project, and served on the board of the United States Consensus Council for Search for Common Ground. Jessica is also project liaison for the United Nations Emergency Peace Service Project.
Her deepest passion is supporting evolving creativity and positive possibilities on our planet by supporting awakened consciousness, and the embodiment of love, wisdom, and presence in every moment for all life.
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