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With Popular Podcast Host, Author &
Inspirational Speaker
Michael Sandler

Imagine chatting with departed loved ones over your morning coffee, receiving life-changing advice from your spirit guides, or feeling the warm embrace of angels when you’re feeling sad or in pain all through the power of your pen!

Automatic writing, a spiritual practice that unlocks this doorway to the Other Side, can serve as a profound tool for building your mediumship skills and bringing comfort, clarity, and a renewed sense of connection to your life.

Knowing your loved ones are still here with you can help you heal your heart, receive answers to unresolved questions, and rediscover a sense of peace.

This safe and sacred practice also connects us to a time of innocence when we were children who saw the world as a magical place and believed that anything was possible.

Tapping into this vibration again allows us to become a channel for that same limitlessness, allowing the messages, love, and support of our loved ones, spirit guides, and angels to reach us and guide us back home to ourselves.

This free online event with Michael Sandler, creator of The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE) and host of the Inspire Nation Show podcast, explores how automatic writing can reconnect you with loved ones on the Other Side, help you feel their presence, receive their messages, discern their unique frequencies through signs, symbols, synchronicities, and a resonant frequency called the Key.

Automatic writing enables you to open a sacred dialogue with spirit, allowing words of wisdom, comfort, and inspiration to flow onto the page.

Unlike other spiritual practices, automatic writing lets you hold a tangible piece of the connection in your hands written words from the Other Side that you can return to over and over again for immediate comfort and guidance.

You don’t have to be a writer to allow the loving messages of your loved ones and spirit guides to flow through you. Automatic writing can make connecting with the spirit world easy, meaningful, and enjoyable!

Michael’s automatic writing process has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide. His journey into automatic writing began with two near-death experiences (NDEs) that completely transformed his life and guided him to a much deeper understanding of the world, spirit, and our connection to something greater than ourselves.

He teaches that automatic writing is not just about connecting with those who have passed it’s about reconnecting with the limitless potential within yourself to get clarity for your life’s path and manifest the love and joy you deserve, all while being supported by your loved ones and guides on the Other Side.

During this free event, you’ll experience this firsthand as Michael guides you in a meditation to begin connecting to a loved one in the spirit world and how to discern when they are present.

Whether you’re seeking closure, direction, or a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life, this event is your invitation to step into a new medium for reconnecting with loved ones who have crossed over.

Join Michael in this free event to learn how to tell if your “lost” loved ones are still by your side, and how to re-establish your relationship with them through this spiritual practice for healing, wisdom, and support whether you lost a loved one last week, last year, or even decades before.

In this inspiring online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the art of automatic writing and its potential to expand your mediumship abilities while connecting you to loved ones on the Other Side
  • Be guided through a meditative experience called the Key that unlocks the door to feeling and hearing from your loved ones on the Other Side, and finally knowing they’re by your side, which prepares you to connect with them through automatic writing
  • Learn how to tell which loved ones are by your side discern the frequencies of specific loved ones and begin to converse with them
  • Discover the top signs, symbols, and synchronicities that tell you your loved ones are close and how to call on them in your time of need
  • Learn how to begin the communication process and the one question you need to ask before starting the automatic writing process
  • Discover the one technique you need to know to re-establish connection

If you’re ready to experience how automatic writing can help you reconnect to the magic of spirit, and reclaim the innocence and magic of your inner child, don’t miss this opportunity.

You’ll also be among the first to learn about Michael’s new 7-week live video course on how the spiritual practice of automatic writing can help you deepen your intuitive and mediumship abilities and reestablish your relationships with those who have crossed to the Other Side and are waiting to guide you to experience your greatest year ever.

You’ll also connect with spirit guides, angels, your higher self, and more.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Michael Sandler to discover how automatic writing can help you reconnect and communicate with loved ones on the Other Side.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Michael Sandler...

“[Michael] shows you how to set aside your worried, logical, limited mind...”

Wouldn’t it be nice to consult a source of infinite wisdom when faced with a life-changing decision? That’s exactly what Michael Sandler shows you how to do in The Automatic Writing Experience, using the apt acronym of AWE. He shows you how to set aside your worried, logical, limited mind, and connect with wellsprings of wisdom far below the level of conscious awareness. Science shows that the essence of the Universe we live in is information, and Michael’s AWE process puts you in touch with that awesome source. If you’d like to shift persistent or mysterious patterns of limitation in your life, you need to bypass your limited conscious habits. AWE is your step-by-step guide to tapping into the wisdom of the cosmos and the infinite potential available from that source.

Dawson Church, PhD

Award-winning author of Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy

“Michael is a powerhouse of information that can change your life...”

Michael is a powerhouse of information that can change your life in ways that are emotional and physical, especially when you have been faced with any kind of hardship or struggle. His knowledge and tool chest have already brought peace, newfound strength, and inspiration to the ones that need it the most.

Anthony William

“The Medical Medium,” bestselling author, and originator of the global celery juice movement

“Michael Sandler helps you plug into the power Source...”

Drawing on an ancient practice and the latest in deep mind techniques, Michael Sandler helps you plug into the power Source that can guide you to manifest the life of your dreams.

Dr. Joe Vitale

Author of Zero Limits

“Michael has turned this perennial experience into a full-fledged spiritual practice...”

Most of us in the quiet time of writing feel inner peace and spiritual renewal. But until now only the inimitable Michael has turned this perennial experience into a full-fledged spiritual practice to be engaged in with uplifting creative energies that arise from the very depths of our inner being.

Stephen G. Post, PhD

Founding director of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love and author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People

“Put the insights you learn here to use, and your life may well be transformed.”

A big “Woo Hoo!” to Michael Sandler for taking the “Woo Woo” out of automatic writing! He approaches what has long remained a mysterious process of attuning to higher guidance and makes it easy and accessible for all. Like everything Michael does, his wonderfully practical teaching is both entertaining and deeply spiritual at the same time. Put the insights you learn here to use, and your life may well be transformed.  

Suzanne Giesemann

Author of Messages of Hope and The Daily Way Messages


About Michael Sandler


Michael Sandler is a mystical teacher and the host of the popular Inspire Nation Show, a transformational, self-help, spiritually focused YouTube channel and podcast that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands worldwide while producing over 2,000 shows and live events. He is a bestselling author, speaker, coach, and the co-creator of The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE).

Michael, a former pro athlete, recent Team USA triathlete, and near lifelong meditation practitioner, credits two near-death experiences (NDEs) for completely transforming his life. 

These NDEs led Michael to a much deeper understanding of the world, of spirit, and of our connection to something greater than ourselves. He calls this “getting the big picture,” which led him to write the bestseller AWE: The Automatic Writing Experience and co-create the School of Mystics, now teaching thousands of mystics around the globe.
